Stop Ontario’s anti-Palestinian Persecution

At the direction of the Ford government’s secretive and Orwellian named “Hate Crimes Working Group” (HCWG), police in Ontario have intensified their crackdowns and suppression of the Palestinian community and its allies, violating Charter rights. On November 18, Ottawa Police illegally blocked a planned peaceful march, arrested six organizers that evening and imposed draconian bail conditions. This adds to a dangerous trend of over-policing the Palestinian solidarity movement under the pretext of hate crime enforcement, with Ontario police and crown prosecutors using these measures to persecute Palestinian Canadians for opposing Israel’s genocide and Canadian companies profiteering from it.


Tell Trudeau: Support the ICC, Arrest Netanyahu!

The possibility of holding Israeli leaders accountable for war crimes in Gaza has never been closer. After months of delay, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has finally issued warrants for the arrest of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu for crimes against humanity. As a signatory to the Rome Statute, Canada is legally obliged to support the court’s rulings and arrest Netanyahu if he comes to Canada. While Trudeau did not promise to arrest Netanyahu, he did state that Canada would abide by the ICC’s regulations and rulings. Not surprisingly, pro-Israel groups are now pressuring Trudeau to oppose the ICC ruling and abandon its commitments under international law.


Tell Parliament: Recognize Palestinian Statehood now!

Palestine satisfies all the criteria for statehood according to the Montevideo Convention: it has a permanent population, a defined territory, a government and the ability to enter relations with other states. Over 140 countries have already recognized Palestine, with Spain, Ireland and Norway joining the chorus just recently. If Canada says it supports Palestinian self-determination, it should delay no longer, and recognize Palestine immediately!


Tell Trudeau: Stop Israel's war machine

Almost a year after Israel launched its campaign of genocide on Gaza, Israel is now propagating war across the Middle East.  Israel proclaims that it's only acting in self-defence, and many of our Canadian political leaders eat it up.  But Israel's decades of militarism, colonialism and occupation tell a different story, and 2023-24 will go down in the history books much as 1947-48, 1956, 1967, 1982, 2006, 2008-09.  It is long past time for Canada to rebuke Israel's war machine and end the sale of Canadian military goods and technology to Israel: millions of people in Palestine, Lebanon, Israel, Syria and Iran depend on it.


Tell Miller and Joly: Save Families from Gaza Now!

Over a thousand Palestinians with connections to Canada are stranded in Egypt, while thousands more may still be stuck in Gaza. All of them face devastating bureaucratic obstacles from Canada’s Gaza Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) program. In early 2024, Canada had pledged to help Palestinians escape Israeli violence and reunite with their families in Canada. Instead, our TRV program has utterly failed and has revealed deep flaws and anti-Palestinian racism in Canada’s visa system. This failure continues to prolong the suffering of Palestinian families and tarnishes Canada’s global reputation as a safe haven.


Tell Trudeau: Don’t persecute Palestinians with pro-Zionist handbook!

We are deeply alarmed that Prime Minister’s Special Envoy Lyons has published a dangerous handbook to guide institutions in applying the extremist anti-Palestinian IHRA definition of antisemitism. IHRA strategically conflates antisemitism with nearly any criticism of Israel and Zionism, and is often used to suppress, censor, and persecute Palestinian perspectives. It is clear that this anti-Palestinian, pro-censorship handbook will be used to target anti-genocide protestors and put a deep chill on criticism of apartheid, genocide and Zionism. Stand with us against Trudeau’s censorship campaign, and urge him to withdraw this dangerous handbook!


Tell Joly: Stop Shipment of Explosives to Israel!

We were shocked to learn that Canada is about to allow 50,000 “high explosive” mortars to be transferred to the Israeli military, even as it commits a genocide in Gaza. As part of the $20B arms package just approved by the United States Congress, the US will be purchasing $83.7M (CAD) worth of mortars, made in Quebec. Canada cannot allow this shipment of 50,000 explosives to go ahead. Just earlier this year, grassroots pressure led Parliament to vote to stop sending weapons to Israel. This shipment blatantly violates the will of Parliament and there is no question that these weapons will be used against civilians in Gaza. Canada has an obligation to intervene.


Thank UWindsor for Agreement with Palestine Liberation Zone

Last week, we were pleased to see that the University of Windsor reached an agreement with the student-led encampment (the Palestine Liberation Zone), committing to act on many of the students’ demands. UWindsor acted on divestment when other universities turned to the police or the courts to forcibly shut down encampments. Now, pro-Israel groups and federal officials are trying to overturn this victory, pressuring the university and making legal threats. We need to make sure that UWindsor administrators stand their ground and resist the attacks.


Thank the TDSB for Adopting Anti-Palestinian Racism strategy

We are excited to learn that the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) has just voted to include anti-Palestinian racism (APR) as part of its Combating Hate and Racism strategy! This means that the TDSB has committed to developing resources to inform students about APR, alongside other forms of discrimination including Islamophobia and antisemitism. This is a major victory resulting from the important advocacy from Toronto Palestinian and Jewish families. Acknowledging APR is critically important amid the skyrocketing incidents of violence and hate against Palestinians and their supporters. Unfortunately, pro-Israel organizations are opposed to any mention of APR and are strongly campaigning to have this decision reversed. We can’t allow political pressure from pro-Israel groups to erase Palestinian voices.


Tell Trudeau: Stop Anti-Palestinian Racism, Replace Special Envoy Lyons

When Canada relaunched its federal Anti-Racism Strategy, it failed to mention the grave problem of anti-Palestinian racism. Making things worse, a Canadian public official tasked with countering racism has been spreading misinformation about pro-Palestine protests, harmfully and maliciously defaming Palestinian Canadians and their supporters. Far from fighting APR, the Canadian government is perpetuating it. Special Envoy Deborah Lyons was appointed by Justin Trudeau to fight antisemitism, but instead, she has been focused on attacking Palestinian Canadians and other critics of racist Israeli practices. This is unacceptable. She should be replaced with someone capable of fighting antisemitism without promoting anti-Palestinian racism.