CJPME responds to Concordia misinformation on BDS
On February 6, 2025, CJPME issued a letter to Concordia President Carr responding to a statement which had spread misinformation about the boycott of Israel. CJPME's letter defends Concordia students who overwhelmingly voted to adopt two resolutions in support of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS).
Sign up for FREE BDS sticky notes! Put boycott pressure on Israel!
CJPME is thrilled to offer FREE BDS sticky note pads to support the boycott of Israel in Canada! Since our government is doing nothing to stop Israel’s oppression and violence against Palestinians, it’s our way to enable average Canadians apply REAL economic pressure on Israel!
Pillsbury Ends Business in Israeli Settlements
CJPME Factsheet No. 231, published August 2022: This factsheet looks at the history of the successful boycott campaign against Pillsbury products. It explains how Pillsbury had been operating in the illegal Israeli settlements, outlines the goals of the boycott campaign, and explains the company's decision to divest in 2022.
BDS Resources
We encourage you to continue your research with the resources below.
CJPME BDS Documents
BDS Factsheet: Boycott FAQ
BDS Factsheet: The Cultural Boycott
BDS Summary Flyer
BDS Talking Points
CJPME'S video series highlights different aspects of the BDS campaign: what BDS is, what products to boycott, how to best use BDS sticky notes, and what the cultural boycott of Israel is. Click here to see all our BDS-related videos on YouTube.
BDS 101 Webinar, by CJPME ft. Olivia Katbi Smith
Watch CJPME's webinar "BDS 101: How to join the Movement," with featured guest Olivia Katbi Smith, North America coordinator for the BDS Movement (March 16, 2021)
Email Companies Profiting from Israel’s Settlements
Last week, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) released its list of 112 companies illegally profiting from Israel’s illegal “settlements.” These companies make money by providing services and doing business in Israel’s settlements. Six of these companies you probably know well: Airbnb, Expedia, Booking.com, TripAdvisor, Motorola and General Mills. Tell these companies that their complicity in supporting Israel’s illegal settlements is WRONG, and that you will BOYCOTT them until they end their involvement with Israel’s settlements.
Email Companies Profiting from Israel’s Settlements
In february, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) released its list of 112 companies illegally profiting from Israel’s illegal “settlements.” These companies make money by providing services and doing business in Israel’s settlements. Six of these companies you probably know well: Airbnb, Expedia, Booking.com, TripAdvisor, Motorola and General Mills.
Tell Trudeau he is wrong to condemn BDS
Last week, Canada’s minister of foreign affairs, Francois-Philippe Champagne made the following statement condemning BDS in the House of Commons: “Canada remains very concerned about any effort to single out or isolate Israel internationally. […] We condemn BDS. As a country, we need to urgently address the resurgence of antisemitism at home and abroad.” With this statement Champagne and the Trudeau government seek to smear BDS and to marginalize those who support its human rights objectives.
Tell Trudeau he is wrong to condemn BDS
Last week, Canada’s minister of foreign affairs, Francois-Philippe Champagne made the following statement condemning BDS in the House of Commons: “Canada remains very concerned about any effort to single out or isolate Israel internationally. […] We condemn BDS. As a country, we need to urgently address the resurgence of antisemitism at home and abroad.” With this statement Champagne and the Trudeau government seek to smear BDS and to marginalize those who support its human rights objectives. Let’s tell Champagne and the Trudeau Gov’t that they can condemn us if they want, but BDS is a PEACEFUL, DEMOCRATIC way for Canadians of conscience to protest Israel’s human right abuses!
BDS group targeted with threats, hate after Parliamentary motion
Montreal, March 10, 2016 — Following the passage of Parliament’s “anti-BDS” motion on Feb. 22, and its own BDS initiatives, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) and its adherents have been much more the target of threats and hate speech in social media. While the instigators of the hate speech were banned from the social media fora soon after they make their comments, the comments at times nonetheless constitute threats and hate speech. “One has to wonder whether the parliamentary anti-BDS motion made it ‘open season’ on human rights activists,” mused Thomas Woodley, President of CJPME.