Position Paper: Canada’s Response to Middle Eastern Authoritarian Regimes
This position paper contains recommendations regarding Canada’s response to the Middle Eastern authoritarian regimes. These recommendations address the humanitarian help that should be provided as well as the policies that should be developed.
Liberal Party: Historic Middle East Policy
CJPME Factsheet 164, published February, 2013: This factsheet provides a historical perspective on how Canada’s federal Liberal Party has reacted to key developments in the Middle East since the Second World War. There is an emphasis on Liberal policy on Palestine-Israel, but the party’s reaction to other key events is also summarized.
Read morePosition Paper: Addressing the Conflict in Syria
This position paper displays a list of Policy recommendations for Canada regarding the conflict in Syria. The list includes providing humanitarian aid, helping to negotiate a ceasefire in Syria and help the country transition to a more representative government.
Position Paper: Canada, Iran and the Middle East
This position paper discusses several points regarding how the Canadian government should treat Iran and handle the arm deals.
Position Paper: The Middle East and Canada's loss of International Stature
In October, 2010, Canada lost its bid for a place on the UN Security Council (UNSC). This is the first time in six decades that Canada has sought a seat on the Security Council and failed to win it. Canada must change its approach to Middle East policy or it will be increasingly marginalized at the UN.
International perceptions of Canada’s shift in foreign policy
CJPME Factsheet 106, published November, 2010: Canada has increasingly isolated itself on the short side of innumerable one-sided votes in international forums. Canada’s track record shows that Ottawa is far from belonging to a “moral majority” when it comes to crucial international votes. This factsheet provides a detailed summary of Canada’s votes in international forums as well as Ottawa’s pro-Israel Middle East policy.
Read moreCanada’s loss of international stature
CJPME Factsheet 105, published November, 2010: This factsheet looks at Canada’s declining international reputation. The Canadian government under Harper has been steadily losing stature due to its positions on a number of issues: from a lack of action on climate change, to reduced international development aid, to the occupation of Afghanistan and abandonment of international peacekeeping. Yet the shift in foreign policy is especially apparent and damaging in regards to the Middle East, particularly on Israeli-Palestinian issues.
Read morePosition Paper: Canada, Israeli Colonies and Peace in the Middle East
This paper looks at the impacts of Israeli colony growth and highlights the importance for the Canadian’s government to actively oppose this colonial expansion and to pressure Israel to respect international law.
Position Paper: Canada and Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East
This position paper displays CJPME’s recommendations concerning Canada’s policy on nuclear weapons in the Middle East.
Position Paper: Finding a new way to stability in the Middle East
This position paper lists a number of actions that Canada should take to deal more efficiently with instability in the Middle East. Actions like increasing the human and humanitarian help for Gaza, rejecting the status quo in the Middle East and dealing with Hamas.