New CJPME Settlement with Rebel Media in Lawsuit
Montreal, October 21, 2021 – CJPME is pleased to announce that its small claims court lawsuit with Ezra Levant and Rebel Media News Network Ltd. has been settled. Launched in early 2021, CJPME’s suit was based on Rebel Media’s failure to promptly comply with the terms of a previous settlement between the two parties, reached in February 2020.
CJPME Publishes Elections Guide Evaluating Parties on Middle East Positions
Montreal, September 8, 2021 — This week, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) issued its “Vote 2021 Elections Guide,” evaluating the record and promises of the five largest federal parties on Palestine-Israel and other Middle East issues. The guide evaluates the parties on ten different Middle East issues according to a number of different criteria, including 1) their support for international law; 2) their consistent application of international law; 3) their eschewal of armed violence; 4) their humanitarian concern; 5) their support for representative governance; and 6) their sense of urgency in responding to crises.
CJPME Supports International Protests for Racial Justice and Against Police Brutality
Montreal, June 2, 2020 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) expresses its support for ongoing protests in the US, Canada, and around the world following the murder of George Floyd, a 46-year-old unarmed black man, at the hands of police in Minneapolis. These demonstrations have forced a necessary public discussion on issues of anti-black racism and police brutality and remind us of the ongoing struggle for racial justice in Canada. Oppressed communities in the Middle East and elsewhere have also expressed their common cause and solidarity, noting similar experiences with police violence and discrimination.
CJPME Rejects Legault Comments on Islamophobia
Montreal, February 4th, 2019 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) rejects Quebec Premier François Legault’s remarks last week, in which he effectively denied the existence of Islamophobia in Quebec. Last Thursday, in response to questions from reporters about designating January 29th as a national day against Islamophobia, Legault stated: “I don’t think there is Islamophobia in Quebec, so I don’t see why there would be a day devoted to Islamophobia.” CJPME points out that there is no empirical support for Legault’s comments and calls on Legault’s government to take concrete measures to combat the growing problem of Islamophobia in the province.
M-103 and Islamophobia in Canada – Poll from Nov. 2017
In late 2017, EKOS Research Associates conducted a national survey of Canadians to probe for religious discrimination, particularly Islamophobia, in Canadian society. The EKOS survey is accurate within 3.0 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. (All survey data is available at Two months later, on February 1, 2018, Parliament’s Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage released its M-103 report on religious discrimination in Canada. The recommendations below synthesize the recommendations of the M-103 report with the survey findings released in parallel.
Canadian Labour Congress endorses "Peace in Palestine" Campaign
Montreal, October 5, 2017 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is thrilled to announce that the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) has officially endorsed its Peace in Palestine campaign. The campaign is a strategy to get Canada’s parliamentarians to pass a motion calling for an end to Israel’s illegal “settlements” (a.k.a. colonies.)
CJPME delighted to have Dimitri Lascaris join Board
Montreal, September 18, 2017 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is pleased to announce that Dimitri Lascaris has joined CJPME’s Board of Directors, effective August 2017. CJPME’s Board has many key responsibilities, including appointing the president, representing the organization, and overseeing the financial stability and security of the organization.
Support NDP Leadership candidate attacked for supporting Palestinian rights
Yesterday, B’nai Brith viciously attacked NDP Leadership candidate Niki Ashton for speaking at a rally for Palestinian human rights in Montreal this past weekend. Niki Ashton has stood up for Palestinian human rights; now it’s our turn to stand up for her. To Ms. Niki Ashton: WHEREAS you have openly supported Palestinian human rights throughout your career, WHEREAS you have been a long-time champion for social, economic, and environmental justice throughout the world, WHEREAS B’nai Brith and others have sought to attack and discredit you for your courageous stances, THEREFORE, we, the undersigned petition you to continue your courageous work, and to find renewed strength to continue your fight for justice in Canada and abroad: |
Hier, B’nai Brith a vicieusement attaqué la candidate à la direction du NPD, Niki Ashton, pour avoir pris la parole lors d’un rassemblement pour les droits des Palestiniens à Montréal la fin de semaine dernière Niki Ashton a défendu les droits des Palestiniens, maintenant c’est à notre tour de la défendre. À Mme Niki Ashton : CONSIDÉRANT QUE vous avez ouvertement défendu les droits des Palestiniens durant votre carrière, CONSIDÉRANT QUE vous avez longtemps soutenu la justice sociale, économique et environnementale à travers le monde CONSIDÉRANT QUE B’nai Brith et d’autres ont essayé de vous attaquer et de vous discréditer pour vos prises de position courageuses, PAR CONSÉQUENT, nous, les soussignés vous demandons donc de poursuivre votre travail courageux, et de renouveler vos forces pour continuer votre combat pour la justice au Canada et à l’étranger: |
Survey: Canadian Attitudes Run Counter to Gov’t Policy on Israel
Montreal, February 17, 2017 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) and partners released new survey results yesterday which indicate sharp disagreement between Canadians’ attitudes and government policy on Israel. The survey, conducted by EKOS and Associates, suggests that Canadian government policy on Israel is not representative of most Canadians’ views.
All survey results, a summary report, and charts can be accessed at
Read moreDisconnect: Canadians' views contradict government policy towards Israel
Montreal, Ottawa, February 16, 2017 - A new public opinion survey on the Israel/Palestinian conflict reveals a dramatic disconnect between the policies of the Canadian government and public opinion. The survey, conducted by EKOS and Associates, raises serious questions about Canadian policies and the assumptions that underlie them.