New EKOS Survey Challenges Canadian Government Orthodoxy on Israel/Palestine
Montreal and Ottawa, February 15, 2017 — A coalition consisting of Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME), Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV), Murray Dobbin and Dimitri Lascaris will issue a report, and hold a press conference call tomorrow, February 16, to release and discuss the results of a new survey contrasting Canadian public opinion on Israel and Palestine with government policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
2017 Survey: On Israel-Palestine, Canadian Gov’t is out of Touch
CJPME is delighted to release the results of a Canada-wide survey it has co-sponsored with Independent Jewish Voices Canada, Dimitri Lascaris, and Murray Dobbin. Conducted by a professional polling firm, the poll provides many dramatic and eye-opening insights.
The survey results were packaged into two releases. All reports, PRs and charts for each release can be found on this page:
- Release 1, February 16, 2017: Disconnect: Canadians’ views of the Israeli government vs. Canadian government policy toward Israel and Palestine
- Release 2, March 2, 2017: Most Canadians Say Sanctions and Boycott are Reasonable Measures to Defend Palestinian Rights
The survey was conducted by EKOS Research Associates between January 25 and February 2, 2017, with a random sample of 1,000 Canadian adults aged 18 and over. The margin of error associated with the in-scope sample is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. The raw data from the EKOS poll can be found via the following two links. The first file below contains the "residuals" (i.e. the results including the "no response" and "do not know" answers); the second file contains the stats with the "residuals" removed:
Note that all charts presented on this page are public domain - free of copyright restrictions.
Release 2, March 2, 2017: Most Canadians Say Sanctions and Boycott are Reasonable Measures to Defend Palestinian Rights
The key findings from Release 2 include:
- Canadians believe overwhelmingly that sanctions are a reasonable way for Canada to censure countries violating international law and human rights,
- Given the UN Security Council's recent condemnation of illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory, a strong majority of Canadians believe that government sanctions on Israel would be reasonable
- In the context of Israel's ongoing violations of international law, a very strong majority of Canadians believe that the Palestinians' call for a boycott of Israel is reasonable, and
- Far more Canadians oppose than support Parliament's February, 2016 decision to condemn individuals and groups who promote the Palestinian call for a boycott of Israel.
Press Statement on EKOS Survey on Canadian Attitudes on Israel-Palestine:
EKOS poll: Canadians receptive to sanctions, boycotts against Israel
Release 2 report on EKOS and Associates survey on Canadian attitudes to Israel-Palestine:
A Survey on Canadians’ Views Toward Israel/Palestine: Most Canadians Say Sanctions and Boycott are Reasonable Measures to Defend Palestinian Rights, A report on a Canadian national opinion survey conducted January 25 to February 2, 2017 Issued by: Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, Independent Jewish Voices, Dimitri Lascaris, LL.B., Murray Dobbin
Release 2 of the survey presents the findings from the following four survey questions:
- Canada currently imposes economic and political sanctions on 21 countries due to their serious violations of International law and/or human rights abuses. Do you believe that sanctions are a reasonable way for Canada to censure countries for violations of international law or human rights?
- In December 2016, the United Nations Security Council voted 14-0 (with the United States abstaining) to declare that Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory were a "...flagrant violation under international law and a major obstacle to the achievement of [...] peace" between Israel and Palestine. Given this statement by the U.N. Security Council, do you believe that some sort of Canadian government sanctions on Israel would be reasonable?
- In 2004, the International Court of Justice ruled unanimously that Israel's settlements on Palestinian territory violate international law. In response, one year later, over 170 Palestinian citizens' organizations called for a boycott to ensure Israel's respect for international law. Do you consider the Palestinians' call for such a boycott to be reasonable
- In February 2016, Canada's Parliament adopted a motion (by a vote of 229-51) to condemn Canadian individuals and organizations who promote the Palestinian call for a boycott to pressure Israel to respect international law. Do you support or oppose Parliament condemning Canadian individuals and organizations who promote the Palestinian call for such a boycott?
(Release 2, Question 1) Canadians' view of whether sanctions are reasonable (bar chart only)
(Release 2, Question 1) Canadians' view of whether sanctions are reasonable (by educational level attained)
(Release 2, Question 1) Canadians' view of whether sanctions are reasonable (by political party preference)
(Release 2, Question 1) Israeli Exceptionalism: Canadians' view sanctions generally vs. sanctions on Israel (comparative pie chart)
(Release 2, Question 2) Canadians' view of whether sanctions on Israel are reasonable (bar chart only)
(Release 2, Question 2) Canadians' view of whether sanctions on Israel are reasonable (by political party preference)
(Release 2, Question 2) Canadians' view of whether sanctions on Israel are reasonable (by province)
(Release 2, Question 3) Canadians' view of whether Palestinian call for boycott of Israel is reasonable (bar chart only)
(Release 2, Question 3) Canadians' view of whether Palestinian call for boycott of Israel is reasonable (by province)
(Release 2, Question 3) Canadians' view of whether Palestinian call for boycott of Israel is reasonable (by political party preference)
(Release 2, Question 4) Canadians' perspective on Parliaments condemnation of BDS (bar chart only)
(Release 2, Question 4) Canadians' perspective on Parliaments condemnation of BDS (by province)
(Release 2, Question 4) Canadians' perspective on Parliaments condemnation of BDS (by political party preference)
Release 1, February 16, 2017: Disconnect: Canadians’ views of the Israeli government vs. Canadian government policy toward Israel and Palestine
The key findings from Release 1 include:
- Far more Canadians have a negative view of the Israeli government than have a positive view,
- Most Canadians consider the Canadian government to be biased towards Israel,
- More Canadians view the media as biased toward Israel than towards Palestinians, and
- Canadians overwhelmingly believe that criticizing Israeli government policies is not necessarily anti-Semitic.
CNW Press Statement on EKOS Survey on Canadian Attitudes on Israel-Palestine:
Disconnect: Canadians' views contradict government policy towards Israel
Release 1 report on EKOS and Associates survey on Canadian attitudes to Israel-Palestine:
Disconnect: Canadians’ views of the Israeli government vs. Canadian government policy toward Israel and Palestine, A report on a Canadian national opinion survey conducted January 25 to February 2, 2017 Issued by: Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, Independent Jewish Voices, Dimitri Lascaris, LL.B., Murray Dobbin
Release 1 of the survey presents the findings from the following four survey questions:
- Generally speaking, do you have a positive or negative opinion of the government of Israel?
- Do you believe that the Canadian government has generally been more pro-Israel or more pro-Palestinian?
- Do you believe the media in Canada are generally pro-Israel or pro-Palestinian?
- Some people argue that criticism of Israeli government policy is anti-Semitic. Others say that criticism of Israeli government policy is like criticism of any other country, and is not necessarily anti-Semitic. Which of these statements comes closest to your own point of view?
(Release 1, Question 1) Canadians' View of the Government of Israel (bar chart only)
(Release 1, Question 1) Canadians' View of the Government of Israel (by political party preference) (pie and bar chart)
(Release 1, Question 1) Canadians' View of the Government of Israel (by province) (pie and bar chart)
(Release 1, Question 1) Canadians' View of the Government of Israel (by educational level attained) (pie and bar chart)
(Q3) Canadians' View of Canadian Government Bias on Israel-Palestine (bar chart only)
(Release 1, Question 2) Canadians' View of Canadian Government Bias on Israel-Palestine (by political party preference) (pie and bar chart)
(Release 1, Question 2) Canadians' View of Canadian Government Bias on Israel-Palestine (by province) (pie and bar chart)
(Release 1, Question 2) Canadians' View of Canadian Government Bias on Israel-Palestine (by educational level attained) (pie and bar chart)
(Release 1, Question 1 & 2) Canadians' View of Israel against Perceived pro-Israel Bias of Canada's Government
(Release 1, Question 3) Canadians' View of Media Bias on the Question of Israel-Palestine (bar chart only)
(Release 1, Question 3) Canadians' View of Media Bias on the Question of Israel-Palestine (by political party preference) (pie and bar chart)
(Release 1, Question 3) Canadians' View of Media Bias on the Question of Israel-Palestine (by province) (pie and bar chart)
(Release 1, Question 4) Canadians' View of whether Criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic (bar chart only)
(Release 1, Question 4) Canadians' View of whether Criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic (by political party preference) (pie and bar chart)
Ayman Odeh - Palestinian Leadership in Israel - In Montreal, April 12, 2016
La version française suit...
CJPME cordially invites you to hear Ayman Odeh, MK, lawyer and political leader of Palestinians in Israel. Mr. Odeh will be speaking in Montreal on Tuesday, April 12th, at 7:00 p.m.
Odeh’s talk will focus on the struggles that Palestinians in Israel face, and how this community is fighting politically for its rights within Israel.
Read moreDr. Norman Finkelstein - Gaza, Palestine, What Next? - March 2016
La version française suit...
CJPME cordially invites you to hear author and scholar Dr. Norm Finkelstein during a brief 3-city swing through Quebec and Ontario, March 22-24.
Finkelstein’s lectures will address Israel’s dreadful treatment of Gaza, the prognosis for the Palestinians, and what the world can and should do about it.
Read moreGo ahead, make my day, condemn me
The government has committed to condemning all of us, for "any and all attemts" to promote BDS. Let's challenge the government to do it, to each of us! Here's our petition: To the head of Canada’s government, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: WHEREAS the House of Commons passed a motion calling the government “to condemn any and all attempts by Canadian organizations, groups or individuals to promote the BDS [Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions] movement, both here at home and abroad,” WHEREAS each one of us has sought to promote the BDS movement, THEREFORE, we the undersigned petition the Canadian government to be individually condemned for, as appropriate, our thoughts, words, and actions, promoting BDS: |
Le gouvernement s’est engagé à tous nous condamner, pour « toutes tentatives de tous genres » qui feront la promotion du mouvement BDS. Alors, lançons-lui un défi, au gouvernement ! Qu’il nous condamne tous et toutes ! Voici notre pétition : Au chef du gouvernement du Canada, le Premier ministre Justin Trudeau : ALORS QUE la Chambre des communes a adopté une motion demandant au gouvernement de « condamner toutes tentatives de tous genres, faites par un organisme, un groupe ou un individu qui visera à promouvoir le mouvement BDS [Boycottage, Désinvestissement et Sanctions] ici au pays ou à l’étranger », ALORS QUE chacun d’entre nous a tenté de promouvoir le mouvement BDS, Nous, les signataires de la pétition ci-jointe, pour les raisons énumérées plus haut, demandons au gouvernement canadien de nous condamner individuellement pour avoir, le cas échéant, promu le mouvement BDS par nos paroles et par nos actions : |
CJPME President waits to be Condemned by Trudeau Government
Montreal, February 23, 2016 — In light of the passage of Parliament’s “anti-BDS” motion on Monday, the President of Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME), Mr. Thomas Woodley, announced that he awaits his condemnation by the Trudeau Liberals. “I’ve realized that being condemned by Canada’s government, merely for supporting the human rights of Palestinians, might be the most admirable thing I’ll accomplish in my life,” wrote Woodley in a letter to the government, as he awaited news of his condemnation. As leader of a non-profit actively promoting BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel) as an economic tool to encourage Israel to respect the human rights of Palestinians, Woodley assumes he is near the top of the list for condemnation.
Awaiting the Trudeau Government's Condemnation
CJPME Political Blog, Feb. 23, 2016: Dear Mr. Trudeau
Given that the House of Commons yesterday passed a motion calling the government “to condemn any and all attempts by Canadian organizations, groups or individuals to promote the BDS movement, both here at home and abroad,” I anxiously await your condemnation.
Although I regret that I have not had the opportunity to promote the BDS movement abroad, I have done my utmost to promote it in Canada. I note that you are required to condemn “any and all” attempts to promote BDS, so I will list as many of my attempts as I can think of below.
Read moreCJPME to host renowned Middle East journalist Robert Fisk
Montreal, Sept. 1, 2015 — At a time of unprecedented turmoil in the Middle East, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is pleased to announce an ambitious seven-city Canadian lecture tour by veteran foreign correspondent and author Robert Fisk. Dr. Fisk’s lectures will be entitled “‘Goodbye, Mr Sykes! Adieu, M. Picot!’ How the ISIS ‘caliphate’ frightens the Middle East – and us.”
CJPME to MPs: Set a deadline for Israel to end the occupation
Montreal, October 1, 2014 - Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) urges Canadian MPs of all stripes to back the Palestinian call for the UN to set a specific deadline for Israel to end its military occupation of the territories captured in the 1967 war—Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. “Further prolongation of the occupation is not only unfair to Palestinians, it may soon have dramatic and dreadful consequences for international stability and security,” warns CJPME President Thomas Woodley.
CJPME welcomes ceasefire loosening blockade of Gaza
Montreal, August 27, 2014 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) welcomes the announcement of a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel. The ceasefire was slated to begin yesterday. It was brokered by Egypt and Qatar. According to Al Jazeera news network, the deal includes an immediate easing of Israel's blockage of crossings into Gaza. The Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza will also be opened. CBC reports that under the deal, aid and reconstruction materials will be allowed in, and Palestinians will be allowed to fish up to six nautical miles offshore, up from three. Discussions on the creation of a seaport and airport will take place in a month, when indirect talks between Israel and Palestinians will resume.
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