Anti-Establishment Protests in Iraq
Factsheet Series No. 219, Created: March 2020, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
Read moreThe Kurds of the Middle East
CJPME Factsheet No. 216, published December, 2019: This factsheet provides a summary analysis of the Kurds of the Middle East, explaining who they are as a people and outlining their diverse visions for their political future.
Read moreCJPME applauds Parliamentary action on Yazidis & Islamophobia
Montreal, November 1, 2016 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) applauds two recent bi-partisan motions in Parliament. First, CJPME was happy to see the bi-partisan call for immediate help to Yazidi refugees, especially women and girls. Second, CJPME was pleased to see the unanimous consent for an anti-Islamophobia motion. “Both motions reflect critical maturing in Canada’s thinking on the Middle East and its peoples,” declared Thomas Woodley, President of CJPME. “If Canadian leaders can set aside racial stereotypes and partisan politics to intervene in a humanitarian and inclusive way, then we’ve made progress,” added Woodley.
2015 Election Guide - Fighting ISIS
CJPME is pleased to publish the next of a 15 part election series analyzing the positions of Canada’s political parties. CJPME hopes that, by revealing what parties have said and done on key Middle East issues, Canadians will be better informed voters in the upcoming elections. Our next analysis studies each party’s position on Canada's militarily involvement against ISIS and its humanitarian commitment to Syria and Iraq.
CJPME to host renowned Middle East journalist Robert Fisk
Montreal, Sept. 1, 2015 — At a time of unprecedented turmoil in the Middle East, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is pleased to announce an ambitious seven-city Canadian lecture tour by veteran foreign correspondent and author Robert Fisk. Dr. Fisk’s lectures will be entitled “‘Goodbye, Mr Sykes! Adieu, M. Picot!’ How the ISIS ‘caliphate’ frightens the Middle East – and us.”
CJPME to MPs: Remember alternatives to sending troops to Iraq
Montreal, October 3, 2014 — CJPME urges Canadian MPs to remember that there are principled and more effective alternatives to putting “boots on the ground” in Iraq. CJPME believes that recent history has demonstrated that Western military action – without a significant and sustained humanitarian commitment – provides little or no long-term benefit.
Read moreIslamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
CJPME Factsheet 184, published September, 2014: This factsheet provides an overview of the so-called “Islamic State in Iraq and Syria” (ISIS): its emergence, its primary goals, and the source for its popular support in Iraq and Syria. It also discusses its manner of funding and expanding its operations.
Read moreIraqi Parliamentary Elections 2010
CJPME Factsheet 85, published July, 2010: This factsheet looks at the 2010 Iraqi parliamentary election, the country’s third since 2005. This election was expected to serve as an indicator of the level of political stability in the country, particularly in light of the expected US troop withdrawal. Observers have pointed out that despite the focus on electoral politics, the run-up to the March 7 elections highlighted deep-seated problems that threaten the fragile recovery of Iraq, in the form of recurring election-related spates of bombings, ethnic tensions over Kirkuk, the re-emergence of sectarianism, and political manipulation of state institutions. In light of these dramatic events, the 2010 election was considered an important opportunity for national reconciliation among the Iraqi people.
Read moreAmerican Forces in Iraq - the Road Ahead
CJPME Factsheet 60, published May, 2009: This factsheet looks at arrangements under which American Forces have been operating in Iraq, such as the Status of Forces Agreements (SOFAs), which guarantees a US withdrawal from Iraq by 2011, and sets the legal status of US troops and US contractor, as well as that of detainees. This factsheet also looks at the challenges that lie ahead in a post-SOFA Iraq.
Read moreRight to Health Case Study: Iraq Health Care in Dire Straits
CJPME Analysis, published May, 2009: This analysis paper discusses the impacts on the Iraqi health care system of the UN-backed sanctions on Iraq and the Gulf War and evaluates the current situation of the public health care system in Iraq.