Israel's extremist right-wing government
CJPME Factsheet 237, created August 2023: This factsheet introduces the right-wing extremist coalition parties of the Israeli government. It outlines their domestic policies, particularly the LGBTQ community in Israel and Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. The factsheet also explores their ideology on the issue of Palestinian self-determination and how Canada has responded to the extremist and racist policies of Israel's right-wing government.
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Jerusalem: Following the Trump Decree
CJPME Factsheet, published March 01, 2018: This factsheet addresses the ongoing debate between Israel and Palestine over Jerusalem. It explores both parties attachment to the city, as well as the International law on it. Finally, the factsheet addresses Trump’s recent decree and Canada’s position on the matter.
Read moreCJPME hosts Ayman Odeh, Palestinian-Israeli Political Leader
Montreal, April 6, 2016 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is thrilled to announce it will be hosting Ayman Odeh for a speaking event in Montreal on April 12 at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Odeh is a lawyer and member of the Israeli Knesset (i.e. the Israeli Parliament.) As leader of the “Joint List,” a party with 13 MKs, he is also an important political leader of Palestinians in Israel. His talk will focus on the Palestinian leadership in Israel, the struggles that Palestinians in Israel face, and how this community is fighting politically for its rights within Israel.
CJPME: Canada should condemn Israel’s suspension of Palestinian MKs
Montreal, February 11, 2015 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) condemns the Israeli parliament’s decision to suspend three Palestinian members of parliament (MKs.) Monday, Israel’s parliament (i.e. the Knesset) banned three Palestinian MKs from parliamentary activity for several months after they met with the families of Palestinian assailants who were killed by Israeli forces. Palestinian MKs Hanin Zoabi and Basel Ghattas were suspended for four months while Jamal Zahalka was suspended for two months. CJPME also calls on Canadian parliamentarians to condemn this decision as discriminatory and undemocratic.
New Palestinian Political Party in Israel
CJPME Factsheet 194, published April, 2015: This Factsheet provides information on the newly-formed Palestinian political party, The Joint List, the party's views, their popularity in Israel and their relation to the Palestinian electorate. It also examines the place of Palestinians in Israeli politics and how the Party is viewed in the West Bank and Gaza
Read moreSeven key insights to the Israeli elections
CJPME Political Blog, March 19, 2015: There was no shortage of surprises and last minute twists with the recent Israeli elections. Many on the left were disappointed to see Netanyahu’s Likud party come out on top again, with the likely result that Netanyahu will form the governing coalition. Despite the overall bleak outlook for Palestinian human rights under Netanyahu, there are some otherwise important observations to be made.
Read moreCJPME: Ariel Sharon leaves legacy of violence, settlement growth
Montreal, January 13, 2014 — CJPME laments that Ariel Sharon has died without ever facing justice for his role in massacres of Palestinian refugees and in the expansion of Israel’s illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. In multiple roles in successive Israeli governments, Sharon was cited for several violations of international law. “With Sharon’s death, there is surprisingly scant mention of the war crimes in which he is directly implicated, let alone any remedial action by western governments, including Canada,” says CJPME President Thomas Woodley.
Read moreThe Bedouin of Israel and the Begin-Prawer Plan
CJPME Factsheet 177, published September, 2013: The Begin-Prawer Plan was a plan to forcibly displace Negev Bedouins, ostensibly for the promotion of the region’s economic development. This factsheet examines the origins of Israel’s Bedouins, and the ominous implications of the Begin-Prawer Plan for this population.
Read moreDiscriminatory Legislation under Netanyahu
CJPME Factsheet 169, published February, 2013: Following the re-election of Israel’s Likud government, with Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister, a series of discriminatory bills were expected to be pursued in Israel. This factsheet summarizes the most prominent and discriminatory of these laws and bills.
Read moreThe Situation of African migrants in Israel
CJPME Factsheet 159, published September, 2012: By mid-2012, about 60,000 African migrants had emigrated to Israel over the previous five years. This factsheet looks at the Israeli government and society’s view of these migrants, and whether or not the handling of these migrants had respected international law.
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