CJPME Condemns Israeli Shooting of Canadian Doctor, Slaughter of Gaza Protesters
Montreal, May 15, 2018 —Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) condemns Israel’s shooting of London, ON based doctor Tarek Loubani, shot while attending the wounded in Gaza. Despite being clearly identified as a first responder, Loubani sustained a moderate injury to his left leg, and a minor injury to his right leg. A friend and colleague of Loubani’s, paramedic Musa Abuhassanin was killed, along with at least 54 other Palestinians in Gaza yesterday.
No Way To Treat A Child (NWTTAC) Campaign
CJPME Factsheet, published Mar 01, 2018: This factsheet sheds light on the widespread and systematic Israeli abuse of Palestinian children who are subject to Israeli military law. It explores how the NWTTAC campaign seeks to challenge and end Israel’s prolonged military occupation. Finally, the factsheet explores how Canada can make a difference.
Read moreAhed Tamimi & Israel's Abuse of Children
CJPME Factsheet, published January 28, 2018: This factsheet addresses the detention of Ahed Tamimi, a Palestinian child jailed in December, 2017 for slapping an Israeli soldier. This factsheet offers arguments as to why Tamimi’s detention is illegal according to international law. This factsheet also explains why her detention is inappropriate and how Tamimi’s case is reflective of the situation that Palestinian children encounter in Israel.
Read moreCJPME launches Peace in Palestine campaign; pushes Parliament to condemn Israeli settlements
Montreal, September 27, 2017 – In light of Canada’s silence on Israel’s human rights abuses, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) launches the Peace in Palestine campaign in an effort to force Canada’s politicians to have an honest public discussion about Israel’s illegal settlements and how Canada must respond. The goal of the campaign is to have Parliament pass a motion condemning Israel’s illegal “settlements” (aka colonies), which are an ongoing obstacle to peace and violate Palestinians’ human rights.
EKOS poll: Canadians receptive to sanctions, boycotts against Israel
Montreal, March 2nd, 2017 — A second batch of results from an EKOS survey of Canadian attitudes towards Israel reveals a dramatic schism between Canadian government policy and Canadians’ deep concerns about Israeli violations of international law. The first release on Feb 16th revealed Canadians’ mostly negative opinion of the Israeli government and their feeling that Canada’s government was pro-Israel. This release reveals overwhelming acceptance of sanctions and boycotts as “reasonable” means to pressure Israel to adhere to international law.
Chomsky, Klein and other Canadians support Green Party Position on Israel-Palestine
Montreal, November 30, 2016 — Earlier this week, an open letter signed by Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein and other notables encouraged Canada’s Federal Greens (GPC) to maintain economic pressure on Israel for its human rights abuses against Palestinians. This letter demonstrates the global interest in the GPC’s recent resolutions on Israel-Palestine – resolutions that thus far distinguish the party from other Canadian parties. Political writer and pundit Chomsky, and writer and environmental activist Klein were joined by dozens of other international and Canadian activists.
CJPME: Liberals must Define New Approach to Middle East During Johnston Trip
Montreal, October 27, 2016 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) calls for Governor-General David Johnston’s state visit to the Middle East to be the moment for the Liberal government to demonstrate a new approach to the region. “Thus far, the Trudeau government has been virtually indistinguishable from the Harper government on questions relating to the Israel-Palestine conflict,” said Thomas Woodley, President of CJPME. CJPME believes that after a year in office, it’s time for the Trudeau government to define a new approach vis-à-vis the conflict.
World Vision and Israel: Everything You Need to Know About the Occupation
CJPME Political Blog, Sept.28, 2016
The media rollout on August 4th was flawless, and the news story was indeed sensational. Israel claimed that millions of dollars of World Vision aid money in Gaza had been diverted to Hamas. The supposed culprit was Mohammad El Halabi, Manager of World Vision’s Gaza operations. All the major newswires carried the story, and Canadian media – including the National Post, Global News, and CTV News – joined the media wolf pack.
Read moreCJPME: Canada must protest shooting of citizen by Israeli Army
Montreal, Dec. 17, 2015 – Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) joins with other Canadians to protest the wanton shooting of Canadian Rehab Nazzal by an Israeli Army soldier in Bethlehem last Friday. Nazzal, currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Western Ontario was shot while doing research in Bethlehem to investigate the impact of robotic and unconventional Israeli surveillance and crowd control techniques on Palestinian civilians. Shot in the leg, Nazzal is expected to recover fully.
Let’s talk rationally about human rights in Israel-Palestine
CJPME Political Blog, May 19, 2015: On Sunday May 2, a giant billboard calling to “End [the] Israeli Apartheid and Occupation of Palestine” welcomed commuters on Pat Bay highway traveling between Victoria and Sydney, BC. The billboard was erected on reserve land, home to the Tsawout First Nation. By Monday morning, the billboard contracting company began to receive calls, e-mails and even a letter from a BC MLA to take down the sign. The spokesman for the billboard contracting company announced to sponsoring groups that the Tsawout First Nation, after facing similar pressure, ordered the sign be taken down.
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