Pillsbury Ends Business in Israeli Settlements
CJPME Factsheet No. 231, published August 2022: This factsheet looks at the history of the successful boycott campaign against Pillsbury products. It explains how Pillsbury had been operating in the illegal Israeli settlements, outlines the goals of the boycott campaign, and explains the company's decision to divest in 2022.
Latest Israeli settlement plans make peace negotiations irrelevant
Montreal, November 4, 2013 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East urges both the Harper government and the Opposition parties to take a strong stance against the dramatic wave of settlement expansions announced last week by Israel. According to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the settlement approvals include both implementation of previously expansion plans plus completely new initiatives. “If Canada’s federal parties are still committed to the ‘two-state solution’ to the conflict, or indeed to any negotiated solution, they must vigorously oppose these plans,” warns CJPME President Thomas Woodley. Although both the US State Department and the UN Secretary General condemned the plans, announced October 30, Canada has remained silent. CJPME reminds MPs that establishing settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories violates international law.
Read moreCJPME to appeal TTC’s rejection of “Disappearing Palestine” ads
Montreal, October 24, 2013 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) intends to appeal the Toronto Transit Commission’s (TTC) rejection of ads about various aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. CJPME learned Monday, Oct. 21, that its ads had been rejected by TTC staff. The centerpiece of the ads is a series of four maps depicting Palestinian loss of land over the past six decades, ultimately obstructing the creation of a viable Palestinian state. In its rejection, TTC staff asserted that CJPME’s ads did not comply with the guidelines of the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, but did not specify what aspects of the ads were non-compliant.
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