Earlier this week, B’nai Brith Canada launched a smear campaign against the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), accusing the union of both supporting terrorism and aligning itself with “the path of violence and extremism.” This accusation comes amidst a CUPW decision to engage in a joint project with the Palestinian Postal Service Workers Union (PSWU), which B’nai Brith is smearing as a “pro-terrorist” organization.
But let’s be honest, the CUPW is under attack simply for showing solidarity with Palestinians.
Please thank the CUPW for consistently taking principled stands in support of Palestinian human rights. Send a thank you email here: [email protected]
It only takes 30 seconds! Follow the example below if you wish:
Email Subject: I agree with CUPW’s support for Palestinian human rights
Email Body: I want to thank the Canadian Union of Postal Workers for their ongoing support of Palestinian human rights. CUPW takes a principled stand when it builds bridges with unions and actors among oppressed communities like the Palestinians. Please ignore the baseless attacks of pro-Israel groups, and continue your marvelous support for social justice around the world.
You can also Tweet a “thank you” message to the CUPW’s National President Mike Palecek at @Mike_Palecek.
More info about the CUPW:
The CUPW is a democratic union representing 50,000 postal workers across Canada. A supporter of Palestinian human rights, the CUPW has repeatedly condemned Israel’s military occupation, violations of international law and systematic oppression of the Palestinian people.
In 2008, the CUPW endorsed the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement calling for the application of economic pressure on Israel until it respects Palestinian human rights. Last fall, the CUPW endorsed CJPME’s Peace in Palestine petition calling on the Canadian government to condemn Israeli settlements. In June, the CUPW pledged its support for the Freedom Flotilla Coalition that seeks to challenge the inhumane blockade of Gaza. CUPW member Ron Rousseau participated in the Freedom Flotilla as it made its way through Europe this summer.