Tell Trudeau: Stop Anti-Palestinian Racism, Replace Special Envoy Lyons

When Canada relaunched its federal Anti-Racism Strategy, it failed to mention the grave problem of anti-Palestinian racism. Making things worse, a Canadian public official tasked with countering racism has been spreading misinformation about pro-Palestine protests, harmfully and maliciously defaming Palestinian Canadians and their supporters. Far from fighting APR, the Canadian government is perpetuating it.

Special Envoy Deborah Lyons was appointed by Justin Trudeau to fight antisemitism, but instead, she has been focused on attacking Palestinian Canadians and other critics of racist Israeli practices. This is unacceptable. She should be replaced with someone capable of fighting antisemitism without promoting anti-Palestinian racism.

Use the fields below to send an email to your own MP, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, the Minister of Canadian Heritage, and other key government actors responsible for anti-racism in Canada. Join us in demanding that Canada replace Special Envoy Lyons and stop perpetuating anti-Palestinian racism.