New CJPME Boycott Campaign
CJPME has recently launched a sticky note boycott initiative! CJPME is offering free packets of BDS sticky notes to Canadians wanting to discourage the purchase of products produced in Israel and its illegal "settlements." Sign up to get your FREE sticky notes now!
Wondering where to put your BDS sticky notes, please take a look at CJPME's recommended Canadian list of stores and products to target.
CJPME BDS Video Series
Beginning in September, 2016, CJPME is releasing a series of 5-10 videos highlighting different aspects of the BDS campaign. Click here to see our list of videos to date. Videos examine basic questions like "What is BDS?" and "What products to boycott," but they will also delve into more specific questions, like the cultural boycott of Israel, and how best to use BDS sticky notes. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified of the new videos as they are released. Enjoy, and share them to your friends.
BDS in Canada - Just do it! |
Why BDS? For Canadians |
BDS - Frequently asked questions #1 |
The cultural boycott of Israel |
BDS Summary Flyer
Click here to access CJPME's recently issued one-page flyer on the BDS movement. On the first side, we show how BDS aligns perfectly with international law and Canadian policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. On the second side, we provide the maps of Palestinians dispossession, as well as answers to frequent questions and criticisms of BDS.
Boycott Centre Resources
Welcome to CJPME’s Boycott Centre. This Centre provides a consolidated list of resources and tools for individuals who wish to contribute to the growing economic pressure on Israel to respect international law and the human rights of the Palestinian people.
While the resources and tools are oriented to CJPME’s Canadian constituency, CJPME believes that most of the resources and tools provided in these Webpages can be leveraged easily by anyone interested in promoting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign targeting Israel.
See an up-to-date list of all Canadian organizations applying economic pressure on Israel, whether by adoption of BDS, or via other means.
Understand the legal and moral justification for the boycott of Israel, then start boycotting: