Joint Statement: Ceasefire now, end the siege, for a just and lasting peace

Montreal, October 21, 2023 [Signatories updated November 7] - Below is a joint statement from a broad and representative cross-section of Canadian civil society to demand an immediate ceasefire and urgent humanitarian aid to Gaza. Signatories include labour, faith, community (Arab, Palestinian, Jewish), civil society, and peace and justice organizations.

People in Canada are watching in horror as the violence in Israel-Palestine has escalated towards an all-out war.

On Tuesday, the bombing of the Anglican Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City killed hundreds of people, most of them children. Over 5,000 people had been sheltering inside. This is a war crime.

In just a matter of days, thousands have been killed following Hamas’ attack and the Israeli government’s response.

We unequivocally condemn the targeting of innocent Palestinian and Israeli civilians.

As representatives of leading pan-Canadian labour, faith, Arab, Jewish, and civil society organizations, we are calling on the Government of Canada to take these steps: 

  • Call for an immediate ceasefire of all hostilities in Israel-Palestine

  • Call for an end to the blockade of Gaza and for the restoration of humanitarian aid and access to the basic necessities of life

We endorse the Canadian government’s call for humanitarian aid to Gaza and the safe return of hostages. These demands cannot be meaningfully addressed without an immediate ceasefire and while Israel's blockade of Gaza continues.

Gaza is facing a “complete siege” as food, water, electricity, and fuel have been cut off. Gaza’s last functioning seawater desalination plant shut down on Sunday after running out of fuel. Water and sanitation services have collapsed in the wake of widespread bombing.

UN shelters have also run out of water and hospital workers are warning that thousands more civilians could die if access to water, fuel, and medicine is not restored.

The already dire humanitarian crisis is rapidly deteriorating.

The Israeli government’s order to a million Gazans to evacuate to the south–an impossible feat in 24 hours–suggests that a ground war and intensifying bombing are imminent.

Our most urgent task is preventing the further loss of life and an even greater humanitarian disaster than what we have already witnessed in Gaza. An all-out war would bring catastrophe to the entire region.

As hostilities escalate, they are fuelling a rise of Anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian racism, Islamophobia, and antisemitism in Canada–which we also unequivocally condemn.

Beyond these immediate steps, the world must support efforts for a just and lasting peace in Israel-Palestine and address the root cause of the violence: Israel’s decades-long occupation of Palestinian territory.

Palestinians, Israelis, and all people in the region deserve to live in peace and security and with justice for all.


  1. 350 Canada

  2. Academic Foundation for Peace-Conflict Studies (AFPCS)

  3. Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of British Columbia (AMSSA)

  4. Alter Acadie, New Brunswick

  5. Alternatives

  6. Arab Canadian Lawyers Association

  7. ArtHouseTO

  8. Asian Canadian Labour Alliance - British Columbia

  9. Asian Canadian Labour Alliance - Ontario

  10. Asian Canadian Women Alliance

  11. Association of Palestinian Arab Canadians

  12. Association of United Ukrainian Canadians

  13. Association québécoise des organismes de coopération internationale (AQOCI)

  14. Atlantic Canada Palestine Society - Saint John

  15. Atlantic Canada Palestinian Society - Halifax

  16. Atlantic Regional Solidarity Network

  17. ATSA - Quand l'Art passe à l'Action

  18. Aura Freedom International

  19. BC Poverty Reduction Coalition

  20. Black Lives Matter - Canada

  21. Bridges Not Borders / Créons des ponts

  22. Bureau Of Power And Light

  23. Calgary Alliance for the Common Good

  24. Calgary Unitarians

  25. Cana Palestine Association Halifax

  26. Canada Social Work Students Collective for Palestine

  27. Canada Stand Up for Palestinian Children’s Rights

  28. Canadian Arab Federation

  29. Canadian Association for the Study of International Development (CASID) / L’association canadienne d’études du développement international (ACÉDI)

  30. Canadian Boat to Gaza

  31. Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity

  32. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

  33. Canadian Council for Refugees / Conseil canadien pour les réfugiés

  34. Canadian Freelance Union / Le Syndicat canadien des pigistes (CLU)

  35. Canadian Friends of Sabeel

  36. Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers)

  37. Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights (CLAIHR)

  38. Canadian Palestinian Association of Manitoba (CPAM)

  39. Canadian Palestinian Professional Foundation

  40. Canadian Palestinian Social Association of London

  41. Canadian Peace Congress

  42. Canadian Union of Postal Workers / Syndicat des travailleurs et travailleuses des postes

  43. Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) / Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique (SCFP)

  44. Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario / Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique (SCFP) Ontario

  45. Canadian Unitarian Council

  46. Canadian Voice of Women for Peace

  47. Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

  48. Center for Human Rights Research, University of Manitoba

  49. Centre international de solidarité ouvrière (CISO)

  50. Centre justice et foi

  51. Child Care Now / Un enfant Une place

  52. Citizen Rights Movement (CRM)

  53. Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ)

  54. Climate Emergency Unit

  55. Climate Justice Edmonton

  56. Coalition of Canadian Palestinian Organizations

  57. Coalition of Child Care Advocates of British Columbia

  58. Collaboration Santé Internationale

  59. Conscience Canada

  60. Conseil central du Montréal métropolitain CSN

  61. Conseil régional Montréal métropolitain FTQ

  62. Council of Canadians - Campbell River

  63. Council of Canadians - Edmonton

  64. Council of Canadians - Fredericton

  65. Council of Canadians - Hamilton

  66. Council of Canadians - Kitchener-Waterloo

  67. Council of Canadians - London

  68. Council of Canadians - Mid-Island - Nanaimo

  69. Council of Canadians - Powell River

  70. Council of Canadians - Saskatoon

  71. Council of Canadians - Victoria

  72. Dogwood

  73. Egyptian Canadian Collation for Democracy (ECCD)

  74. Equality Fund / Fonds égalité

  75. Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

  76. Fédération autonome de l’enseignement (FAE)

  77. Femmes de diverses origines / Women of diverse origins

  78. Femmes en Mouvement du Québec

  79. Filipinas of HamOnt

  80. Fondation Béati / Béati Foundation

  81. Fondation Logis Rose Virginie

  82. Fondation Oscar Romero

  83. Force of Nature

  84. Foyer du Monde / Home of the World

  85. Fredericton Palestine Solidarity

  86. Fridays for Future Manitoba

  87. Front d’action populaire en réaménagement urbain (FRAPRU)

  88. Game Workers Unite Montréal

  89. Good To Be Good

  90. Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War

  91. Health Providers Against Poverty

  92. Hearing Palestine

  93. House of PainT

  94. Human Concern International

  95. Humanité & Inclusion Canada

  96. Independent Jewish Voices Canada

  97. Inspirit Foundation

  98. International Coalition For Human Rights in the Philippines Canada

  99. Iranian Canadian Congress

  100. IMA - Islamic Missionary Association

  101. Islamic Relief of Canada

  102. Island Peace Committee

  103. Jesuit Refugee Service Canada

  104. Jewish Faculty Network

  105. John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights

  106. Justice for All Canada

  107. Kairos Halifax

  108. Kairos SWO

  109. Kamloops Islamic Association

  110. L’Alliance des radios communautaires du Canada

  111. l'Association des juristes progressistes

  112. La Maison Turquoise

  113. La Maisonnee

  114. Law Union of Ontario

  115. Le Centre de réfugiés / The Refugee Centre

  116. Le CIBLES - Carrefour international bas-laurentien pour l'engagement social

  117. Le Mouvement d'éducation populaire et d'action communautaire du Québec (MÉPACQ)

  118. Living Skies Regional Council, The United Church of Canada

  119. Mahatma Gandhi Canadian Foundation for World Peace

  120. Maquila Solidarity Network

  121. Martha Justice Ministry - Sisters of St. Martha

  122. Mayworks Kjipuktuk/Halifax

  123. Médecins du Monde Canada / Doctors of the World Canada

  124. Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto

  125. Middle Eastern Society of the University of New Brunswick

  126. Migrant Workers Centre of British Columbia

  127. missINFORMED

  128. Montréal pour la paix

  129. Montréal pour un monde sans guerre

  130. Mothers for World Peace

  131. Mouvement contre le viol et l'inceste (MCVI)

  132. Mouvement québécois pour la paix

  133. Multi-Agency Partnership of BC (MAP BC)

  134. National Council of Canadian Muslims

  135. National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE)

  136. New Brunswick Common Front for Social Justice / Front commun pour la justice sociale du Nouveau-Brunswick

  137. Oakville Palestinian Rights Association

  138. Oblates Franciscaines de Saint-Joseph

  139. On Canada Project Inc.

  140. Ontario Association of Interval & Transition Houses (OAITH)

  141. Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care

  142. Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI)

  143. Ottawa Forum Israel Palestine

  144. Ottawa Muslim Women's Organization (OMWO)

  145. Oxfam Canada

  146. Oxfam Québec

  147. Palestine Solidarity Committee of Saint John

  148. Palestinian Canadian Academics and Artists Network (PCAAN)

  149. PalNet Pacific Mountain

  150. PalNet Shining Waters

  151. Pastorale sociale de Côte-des-Neiges

  152. Pastorale sociale de Rosemont

  153. People for Peace, London

  154. Peterborough & District Labour Council

  155. Photographers Without Borders

  156. Pivot Legal Society

  157. Point Blank

  158. Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) / L'institut professionnel de la fonction publique du Canada (IPFPC)

  159. Progress Belleville

  160. Progress Toronto

  161. Public Service Alliance of Canada / L’Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada

  162. Rainbow Refugee Society

  163. Refugee Health YYC

  164. Regina Peace Council

  165. Regroupement féministe du Nouveau-Brunswick

  166. Regroupement intersectoriel des organismes communautaires de Montréal

  167. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Montreal, Social Action Office

  168. Run for Palestine

  169. Save the Children Canada

  170. Science for Peace

  171. Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Toronto

  172. Soeurs Auxiliatrices, Québec

  173. Sojourn House

  174. South Asian Legal Clinic of British Columbia

  175. South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario

  176. South Shore Ceasefire Now

  177. Sustainable Human Empowerment (SHE) Associates Inc.

  178. Syndicat des enseignantes et enseignants du cégep Montmorency

  179. Syndicat des travailleuses et des travailleurs du Centre de Santé Tulattavik de l'Ungava / Ungava Tulattavik Health Center Union

  180. Syndicats des travailleuses et des travailleurs de la CSN

  181. Table de concertation des organismes au service des personnes réfugiées et immigrantes (TCRI)

  182. Table ronde des organismes volontaires d’éducation populaire de l’Outaouais

  183. The United Church of Canada

  184. Toronto Artists for Palestine

  185. Toronto Quakers Peace and Social Action Committee

  186. Travailleuses et Travailleurs pour la Justice Climatique (TJC) / Workers for Climate Justice (WCJ)

  187. Unifor

  188. United Jewish People’s Order

  189. United Network for Justice and Peace in Palestine and Israel

  190. United Steelworkers Local 1998

  191. Urban Alliance on Race Relations

  192. Vancouver Coastal Health

  193. Vancouver Island Counselling Centre for Immigrants and Refugees

  194. Victoria Peace Coalition

  195. Victoria Raging Grannies

  196. Wilderness Committee

  197. Wildseed Centre for Art & Activism

  198. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

  199. Women’s Shelters Canada / Hébergement femmes Canada

  200. World Beyond War

To add your organization’s name to this statement, please email [email protected] or click here.