Below are CJPME's most recent analyses. See complete list of all of CJPME's analyses.
Lebanon’s Presidential Stalemate: Bridge to Co-existence or Chaos?
CJPME Analysis, published July 24, 2015: It has been well over a year since Lebanon has had a President – the longest in Lebanese history. With no political consensus in sight, the perpetual deadlock in Parliament has effectively paralyzed the government and state institutions, and has polarized both Lebanon’s political parties and its pluralistic society. Moreover, three years of spill-over from the Syrian crisis has embroiled the Lebanese armed forces – with its capricious ‘ally’[*] Hezbollah – in an interminable fight against extremist groups, which risks unravelling Lebanon’s fragile stability.
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Saudi-led intervention in Yemen
CJPME Analysis, published May, 2015: In March, 2015, following increased Houthi gains in Yemen, Saudi Arabia led a coalition of countries in a campaign of airstrikes on Yemen termed “Operation Decisive Storm.” After just two months, the civilian and humanitarian toll on Yemen was devastating, and human rights organizations have identified many suspected violations of international law.
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Surviving the Gaza Aid Flotilla Attack - Canadian Kevin Neish
CJPME Analysis, published June, 2010: This document tells the story of Kevin Neish, a veteran activist and retired mechanics instructor from Victoria, who survived the Gaza Aid Flotilla Story.
"Surviving the Gaza Aid Flotilla Attack" - An interview with Canadian Kevin Neish
CJPME Analysis, published June, 2010: On May 31, 2010, Israeli commandos attacked aid ships in international waters headed to the Gaza Strip, killing nine passengers and injuring many more. Kevin Neish, a veteran activist and retired mechanics instructor from Victoria, B.C., was on board the Mavi Marmara when it was attacked. In this interview with CJPME he describes his experiences on the ship, the Israeli assault and what happened after the ships were captured.
Telltale quotes about Israeli Apartheid
CJPME Analysis, published April, 2010: This factsheet contains a selection of comments on Israeli apartheid by South Africans, Israelis, Palestinians and others.
Some Canadian entrepreneurs not welcome in Israel
CJPME Analysis, published November, 2009: This document relates the story of Khaled Sabawi, a 26-year-old engineer and entrepreneur who found with his father MENA Geothermal, a company which developed a way to use clean, renewable energy derived from the Earth’s ground temperature to heat and cool homes. While the company was working primarily in the Palestinian territories, Khaled was denied the right of entry into Israel for no good reason.
Right to Health Case Study: Iraq Health Care in Dire Straits
CJPME Analysis, published May, 2009: This analysis paper discusses the impacts on the Iraqi health care system of the UN-backed sanctions on Iraq and the Gulf War and evaluates the current situation of the public health care system in Iraq.
What is the “Right to Health”?
CJPME Analysis, published February, 2009: This document defines the Right of Health: the origins of such a right, its signification in a context of war and occupation and how it’s mentioned in International Law.
No answer in Nabi Sheet
CJPME Analysis, published July, 2008: 2006 was to have been a happy year for Hussein Chokr and his family. Hussein had come to Canada from Lebanon to build a more secure and prosperous life for himself and his family. Early in 2006, he had begun to establish himself financially in Canada, and in March of that year, Canada finally granted him refugee protection, enabling him to apply for permanent residency in Canada. Soon after confirmation that his refugee application had been accepted, he spoke to his wife and each of his five children individually about joining him in Canada. Hussein was anxious to have them join him in Canada, but could never have foreseen the danger and tragedy his family was soon to face in Lebanon.
Right to health - Case study: Gaza, 2008
CJPME Analysis, published July, 2008: This case study discusses the right to health in Gaza and Israel’s responsibility in the matter. Indeed, as an occupying power, Israel has an obligation to ensure the right to health of the population of Gaza, without discrimination.