Sign up for FREE BDS sticky notes! Put boycott pressure on Israel!

CJPME is thrilled to offer FREE BDS sticky note pads to support the boycott of Israel in Canada!  Since our government is doing nothing to stop Israel’s oppression and violence against Palestinians, it’s our way to enable average Canadians apply REAL economic pressure on Israel!

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Wondering how to use these sticky notes?  See our resources below...

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The need to apply economic pressure on Israel

Every week brings new outrages by Israel as it carries out a genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, and imposes brutal violence and oppression against Palestinians elsewhere.  When politicians won’t take action, then average Canadians need to take steps to apply economic pressure on rogue governments like Israel.

Since 2008, CJPME has supported the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and is one of many Canadian organizations doing so.  The call for BDS was initiated in 2005 by 170 Palestinian civil society organizations and has had many successes in the past 20 years.  Supporters of BDS try to highlight the priorities of the BDS National Committee (BNC), the Palestinian organization behind the movement.  In light of Israel’s horrific oppression and brutality against Palestinians these past eight months, Canadians' interest and support for the international BDS movement has surged.

Many Canadians don’t pay attention to Israel’s human rights abuses, and many don’t even know when they’re buying products from Israel. These sticky notes are designed to identify Israeli products, raise awareness about Israel’s abuses, and convince consumers to avoid Israeli products.  Marking boycotted products in stores was a key step in the boycott of Apartheid South Africa – it can also be a key element in the boycott of Israel. 

 How to use these sticky notes? 

Support the consumer boycott of Israel by applying these BDS stickies to Israeli products in your local stores.  Basically, if you’ve ever shopped in a Costco, The Bay, Home Depot, Canadian Tire, Walmart, or Staples, you’ve shopped in a store which is selling Israeli products.  You can go into these stores, apply the sticky notes to Israeli products, and thus discourage other shoppers from buying these products. 

Our BDS Hub lists dozens of Israeli products and complicit companies which can be found in common Canadian stores.  Our BDS Hub also highlights the priorities of the BNC in regards to products and Canadian companies to boycott.  

We’ve also published several new factsheets highlighting the need to boycott certain products, brands, or companies.  Check out the new factsheets below to understand how certain companies and products are tied to Israel’s oppression and killing of Palestinians.  At our Website, you can also download social media posts you can use, as well as letters you can mail to store owners and execs.

Sodastream.  SodaStream is an Israeli company specializing in an at-home carbonization product. SodaStream's exploitation of Palestinian labour, complicity in settlement expansion, and continued violations of Palestinian human rights have prompted ongoing BDS efforts. Despite the closure of its factory in the occupied West Bank, the boycott persists as SodaStream's practices perpetuate Israeli occupation and discrimination against its Palestinian workers.

Ahava.  AHAVA Dead Sea Laboratories Ltd. is a cosmetics company specializing in products composed of minerals and resources drawn from the Dead Sea shores of the occupied West Bank.  Despite ownership changes, including a majority share held by a Chinese investment group, Ahava's historical association with illegal settlements has consistently raised ethical and legal concerns.

Sabra (Hummus).  Sabra is a US-based company which produces Middle Eastern-style food products including Hummus. Sabra is jointly owned by PepsiCo and the Strauss Group, an Israeli multinational food and beverage corporation. A boycott of Sabra has been called due to the Strauss Group's financial support for the Israeli military, particularly the Golani and Givati Brigades, which have been implicated in human rights violations against Palestinians.

Aldo Shoes.  Founded in 1972 in Montreal, Quebec, by Aldo Bensadoun, The ALDO Group is an online and brick-and-mortar retail company specializing in shoes, boots, sandals, handbags, and accessories. Its subsidiaries include Call It Spring, Aldo Israel LTD, Aldo Accessories, Aldo Group International AG, and ALDO U.S. Inc. Due to its operation of stores in illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian, there are global calls for its boycott.

Aroma Espresso.  Aroma Espresso Bar is an Israeli coffee chain established in Jerusalem in 1994 and has about 200 locations worldwide, including southern Ontario. Aroma Espresso Bar operates a cafe in the Ma’aleh Adumim settlement in the occupied West Bank and sources its goods from farms in illegal settlements. The company also engages in discriminatory practices within its operations and materially supports the Israeli military.

Starbucks.  Starbucks is an American multinational chain of coffeehouses and roasters that has been targeted by the pro-Palestine boycott movement, particularly in light of allegations of mistreatment of Starbucks Workers United following a solidarity tweet with Palestine. Though Starbucks' claimed neutrality, its legal actions against the union, and indirect economic ties to Israel through major shareholders, have sparked debates about its complicity in Israeli apartheid, prompting conscientious consumers to consider their patronage of the coffee chain.

Can you support our work?

CJPME's ability to provide these free pads of sticky notes is only possible through the generosity of private donors. We're spending almost $10,000 for this campaign: roughly $5000 to print 3000 pads, $3000 for postage, and another $2000 in other costs.  If you believe in this campaign, please consider making a gift of financial support to CJPME. Monthly donations are especially helpful, as they sustain our ongoing work and make it easier for us to strategize for the future. If you don't like to donate by credit card, you may donate via email transfer, over the phone (438-380-5410), or complete and mail in this form.

Thank you for supporting our collective efforts.  Every added voice makes a difference!