York U. President’s Efforts Applauded by Community Groups

Montreal, May 3, 2016  — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) joined with other important community organizations signing an open letter applauding the success of York University President Mamdouh Shoukri at creating an inclusive and respectful environment for York students.  The organizations addressed the letter to York U. President Shoukri, and thanked him for the meaningful and effective ways he had dealt with various controversies at York U.       Continue reading


Canadian human rights organizations oppose Saudi Arms Deal

Montreal, April 27, 2016  — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) joined with over a dozen prominent Canadian human rights groups signing an open letter opposing the recent issuance of export permits for Canada’s $15 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia.  The list of Canadian organizations signing the open letter is impressive, and includes Amnesty International Canada, the Canadian Council for International Cooperation, the Rideau Institute and others.  The organizations addressed the letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and demanded that the government rescind the export permits for the arms deal, many of which have been recently signed.     Continue reading


CJPME hosts Ayman Odeh, Palestinian-Israeli Political Leader

Montreal, April 6, 2016  — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is thrilled to announce it will be hosting Ayman Odeh for a speaking event in Montreal on April 12 at 7:00 p.m.  Mr. Odeh is a lawyer and member of the Israeli Knesset (i.e. the Israeli Parliament.)  As leader of the “Joint List,” a party with 13 MKs, he is also an important political leader of Palestinians in Israel. His talk will focus on the Palestinian leadership in Israel, the struggles that Palestinians in Israel face, and how this community is fighting politically for its rights within Israel. Continue reading


Trudeau gov’t unable to follow through on anti-BDS motion?

Montreal, March 31, 2016  — It has been over five weeks since the majority Liberal government of Justin Trudeau committed itself to condemning all Canadian groups and individuals who promote the boycott of Israel (i.e. BDS)[i] in Canada.  Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) points out that, despite the lip service that Liberal leaders gave in support of the motion at the time, government leaders have not yet condemned a single Canadian group or individual for BDS.  CJPME leaders conclude that this is either because: 1) the Liberal government is not convinced of the merits of the motion, or 2) the Liberal government is concerned that the motion contradictsCanada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Continue reading


BDS group targeted with threats, hate after Parliamentary motion

Montreal, March 10, 2016  — Following the passage of Parliament’s “anti-BDS” motion on Feb. 22, and its own BDS initiatives, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) and its adherents have been much more the target of threats and hate speech in social media.  While the instigators of the hate speech were banned from the social media fora soon after they make their comments, the comments at times nonetheless constitute threats and hate speech.  “One has to wonder whether the parliamentary anti-BDS motion made it ‘open season’ on human rights activists,” mused Thomas Woodley, President of CJPME.   Continue reading


CJPME President waits to be Condemned by Trudeau Government

Montreal, February 23, 2016  — In light of the passage of Parliament’s “anti-BDS” motion on Monday, the President of Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME), Mr. Thomas Woodley, announced that he awaits his condemnation by the Trudeau Liberals.   “I’ve realized that being condemned by Canada’s government, merely for supporting the human rights of Palestinians, might be the most admirable thing I’ll accomplish in my life,” wrote Woodley in a letter to the government, as he awaited news of his condemnation.  As leader of a non-profit actively promoting BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel) as an economic tool to encourage Israel to respect the human rights of Palestinians, Woodley assumes he is near the top of the list for condemnation.   Continue reading


CJPME launches creative new “boycott Israel” campaign; defies Spineless Parliamentarians

Montreal, February 19, 2015  — In light of ridiculous theatre in Canada’s parliament this week, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) openly launches a creative new campaign to deepen the “Boycott Israel” movement in Canada.  CJPME was specifically cited in the parliamentary motion targeting organizations supporting economic action against Israel, and CJPME has launched its new campaign in response.  CJPME’s campaign invites Canadians from across the country to sign up for a packet of free “Boycott Israel” sticky notes.  CJPME invites Canadians to go to local stores and post these on Israeli merchandise, thus warning potential buyers against buying products from Israel.   Continue reading


CJPME hosts renowned scholar Dr. Norman Finkelstein in Canada

Montreal, Feb. 17, 2016 – Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is pleased to host Dr. Norman for a three-city speaking tour in Quebec and Ontario, Mar. 22-24.   Finkelstein was awarded his doctorate by PrincetonUniversity in 1988, and has subsequently taught at Rutgers, New York University, BrooklynCollege, HunterCollege and DePaulUniversity (Chicago). His academic research focused on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its representation in political discourse.     Continue reading


CJPME: Canada should condemn Israel’s suspension of Palestinian MKs

Montreal, February 11, 2015  — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) condemns the Israeli parliament’s decision to suspend three Palestinian members of parliament (MKs.)  Monday, Israel’s parliament (i.e. the Knesset) banned three Palestinian MKs from parliamentary activity for several months after they met with the families of Palestinian assailants who were killed by Israeli forces. Palestinian MKs Hanin Zoabi and Basel Ghattas were suspended for four months while Jamal Zahalka was suspended for two months.  CJPME also calls on Canadian parliamentarians to condemn this decision as discriminatory and undemocratic. Continue reading


CJPME: Canada should restore funding to UNRWA

Montreal, Jan. 20, 2015 – Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) calls on the Liberal government to restore funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) – the international agency that supports Palestinian refugees.  With their more balanced approach to the Palestine-Israeli conflict, previous Liberal governments consistently ensured that Canada was regularly one of the top 10 donor countries to UNRWA.  Under the Harper government, however, UNRWA funding slipped and then was cut entirely after 2012.  CJPME believes that one of the first steps in restoring Canada’s international credibility will be the resumption of its support for UNRWA. Continue reading