Meet the winners of CJPME’s academic fellowships!

CJPME is thrilled to introduce the six winners and finalists for our 2022-2023 academic fellowships! CJPME's academic fellowships are intended to encourage students to pursue formal academic study on Palestine or Palestine Solidarity. These fellowships are part of CJPME's Campus Solidarity initiative launched earlier this year, which supports students through campaigns, resources, grants, fellowships, and legal advice.   Continue reading


Three Critical Projects for 2023

Last week, we highlighted our impressive accomplishments (below), with new breakthroughs with students, the media and politicians! But huge new challenges loom for 2023. Can you help reach our new goals below? #1: Expand our Lobbying with Members of Parliament 2022 was our best year yet in terms of strengthening relationships with members of Parliament (MPs)! Our analysis and input were more solicted by politicians and policymakers than ever before. Our report on Canadian arms sales to Israel and our UN Dashboard were just two initiatives that garnered wide attention on Parliament Hill. But we need to hire a Parliamentary Policy Analyst to do even more: more one-on-one meetings with MPs; more incisive analysis; more lobbying! Can you donate to strengthen our lobbying? Continue reading


CJPME 2022 Impact Report – a year of accomplishments!

World opinion on Israel is clearly starting to change!: public opinion polls show increasing disapproval; the media are far more skeptical of the Israeli line; and human rights organizations accuse Israel of apartheid. And CJPME is part of this change, with another amazing year of accomplishments. In 2022, CJPME was quoted more than ever by the media, and contacted more than ever to provide our expertise to politicians and policymakers. 2022 saw us expand our work with students in a major way, send our VP to Palestine to network with Palestinian NGOs and activists, and carry out dozens of other impactful campaigns and activities. Check out our 2022 highlights below to see the full breadth of our impact! And if you’re not already doing so, get the day-to-day updates by following us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn. Continue reading


CJPME offering fellowships for student research on Palestine!

Now that CJPME's 2022 grants for student solidarity groups have been awarded, CJPME is thrilled to invite applications for its student research fellowships.  CJPME's fellowships are offered to individual students working on academic projects related to Palestinian identity, culture, politics, self-determination, decolonization, political advocacy, media advocacy, or related themes. Please share this opportunity with any student you may know who is doing accredited research on Palestine or Paletinians.  Applications are now open until Monday, Dec. 5, at 12:01 a.m.  Click here to apply now! Continue reading


Meet the Recipients of CJPME's Student Grants for 2022

CJPME is thrilled to announce the recipients of our 2022 Student Grants! CJPME's Student Grants are intended to strengthen Palestine solidarity groups on post-secondary campuses, and this year, we have 12 student group recipients! These grants are part of CJPME's Campus Solidarity initiative launched earlier this year, which supports student groups through grants, fellowships, campaign support, informational resources, and legal advice. Each of the 12 groups listed below is receiving $250 from CJPME to empower and enable their work. Check out the photos and blurbs below to get to know them better. Continue reading


This summer, talk to your MP about Palestine!

Montreal, July 14, 2022 — These past few months, CJPME representatives met with dozens of members of Parliament (MPs) to discuss Canada’s position on Palestine and related topics. Now we need your help to reach out to your own member of Parliament to hold them accountable to represent you. MPs can’t “represent” you if they don’t know what you want.   Continue reading


CJPME launches grants for student solidarity work

CJPME is proud to support Palestine solidarity work on Canadian campuses by offering seven grants for student work this fall.  CJPME realizes that university campuses are often at the “front lines” of Palestine solidarity work, and CJPME wants to do all it can to support student solidarity work! Student groups can apply for a grant on CJPME’s newly launched “Student Hub.”  CJPME is offering six grants of $250, and one grant of $500 to eligible groups which apply.  Applications are open now until August 14th.  Click here to apply now! Continue reading


CJPME launches new Palestine history highlights project

CJPME is pleased to announce the launch of an exciting new project to connect Canadians with key dates in the history of modern Palestine. Called “On this Day,” the initiative provides snapshots of key moments in Palestinian history accessible to all. Want to learn quickly about “Land Day” in Palestine? Want to learn about the Deir Yassin Massacre of April, 1948? On This Day has a page on these and many other events. Continue reading


BDS Victory: Pillsbury divests from Israel!

CJPME is delighted to announce that General Mills has divested from its Israeli subsidiary and will no longer be directly manufacturing Pillsbury products in the West Bank. This news follows years of international campaigning led by the US-based American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and strongly supported in Canada by CJPME. Thanks and congratulations to all of our Canadian supporters who signed up for our "Boycott Pillsbury" sticky notes last year. Your participation shows that we can all make a difference! Continue reading


New book explores Palestine activism in Canada with contributions from the CJPME team!

June 1, 2022 This week, CJPME is very excited for the launch of a new book titled Advocating for Palestine in Canada! Featuring contributions from the CJPME team, this first-of-its-kind book brings together activists and scholars to talk about the challenges of Palestine activism in Canada. CJPME is proud to be part of it! Continue reading