Do you want to be an MP ?
Canada’s federal elections are just four months away, and this creates tons of opportunities for CJPME and its members! Check out all the ways you can make a difference below!
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3 Projects to Oppose Islamophobia in Canada
As-salamu ‘alaykum. Warmest wishes to our Muslim friends during this celebration of the Holy Month of Ramadan.
Like us, you’ve probably realized that we’re living at a crisis in history – where politicians feel free to attack minority groups, especially Muslim-Canadians. As a human rights organization, we believe it’s especially important to protect the rights of Canadians of Middle East origin. So today, we’re asking for your help with three projects that enable us to protect the civil liberties of Muslims in Canada.
CJPME depends on your generous support to be able to continue this type of advocacy work. If you are Muslim, would you consider supporting these projects for your zakat this Ramadan? A monthly donation makes a huge difference; but any amount helps. You can also call at 438-380-5410, or print and send the form here. Please see our key projects below and consider helping out!
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Huge Accomplishments in 2018 – Thanks to YOU
"Start by doing the necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you’re doing the impossible!" - Francis of Assisi
Together with you – our supporters – we feel we’ve truly accomplished the “impossible” this past year. Please take a look below and celebrate with us our many successes of the past year!
Of course, our accomplishments depend very much on your support. Could you consider a donation? A monthly donation, even if it's a small amount, makes a huge difference. You can donate on-line here, by calling 438-380-5410, or you can mail in this form. Thanks for your support - when you contribute to our work, you share in our many successes!
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2018 – Look at what we've accomplished together
"There's nothing like a challenge to bring out the best in man," said Sean Connery once. We can't help but think of Connery's quote when we look at 2018, facing so many challenges from Trump's policies and our disappointing Canadian government. But regardless, we continue fighting hard for human rights, both in the Middle East, and the related issues here in Canada. Please take a look below and celebrate with us our accomplishments since January!
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2017: Championing human rights in Canada
Unless we look back once in a while, we forget how far we’ve come. This is the way we feel as we consider our huge strides forward in 2017. Please review our 2017 activities below, and celebrate our many accomplishments with us!
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2017 - Already a big year of accomplishments !
Unless you look back once in a while, you forget how far you’ve come. That’s the way we feel about the first eight months of 2017. It’s been an adventure, but with many big strides forward. As we launch our fall activities, please check out our accomplishments already this year!
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Celebrate our accomplishments of 2016
2016 has been one of CJPME’s most outstanding years. It’s been an exceptional year not only because we’ve had some key wins, but also because we feel we’re on track for even more success in the months and years ahead. Please take a look at the summary of our activities below.
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Accomplishments of first half of 2016
CJPME has had a stellar start to 2016, with some amazing accomplishments so far. Since we’re almost halfway through 2016, we wanted to give you an overview of our successes so far. Please take a look at the summary of our activities below.
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Celebrate our Accomplishments of 2015
We have been referring to 2015 as a year of both great elation, and high urgency. Elation, because 2015 has been such a successful year for CJPME, with so many accomplishments. Urgency, because the needs are so great, and there’s so much more we feel we can and must do. Take a look at the summary of our year below to get a feel for both the accomplishments and challenges.
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