CJPME: Doomed Trump “Peace” Initiative a Non-starter in Bahrain
Montreal, June 25, 2019 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) rejects the American government’s doomed “deal of the century” initiative for Middle East peace. This morning, the Trump administration began the sales job for its $50 billion-dollar economic plan for Israel-Palestine at an international conference in Manama, Bahrain. CJPME and many others around the world oppose Trump’s one-sided “peace” plan that sidelines Palestinians and fails to address the core issues at stake in the conflict.
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CJPME Condemns Bill 21 As Institutionalized Discrimination
Montreal, June 17, 2019 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) strongly condemns Bill 21, which in the name of government “secularism,” will now bar Quebeckers who wear religious symbols from taking certain government positions. Despite months of public outcry and severe criticism from human rights groups, late last night the Quebec government passed Bill 21 into law. CJPME condemns Bill 21 as a violation of Quebeckers’ fundamental human rights and calls on Canadian politicians to condemn Bill 21 as institutionalized discrimination.
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Motion M-153 Does Not Honour Mosque Victims
Montreal, June 5, 2019 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is deeply concerned that Motion M-153– which purports to honour the victims of the January 29, 2017 Quebec City mosque massacre – is an attempt to avert a proper tribute to the victims of January 29. M-153, which passed second reading in the House of Commons last Thursday, a private-members motion introduced by Conservative MP Scott Reid, seeks to designate January 29 as a “National Day of Solidarity with Victims of Anti-religious Bigotry and Violence.” CJPME believes this motion fails to address the Islamophobia that inspired the January 29th massacre, instead diluting the significance of the January 29th by grouping together several dissimilar violent incidents from Canadian history.
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CJPME: After 37 Executions, Canada Must Re-Examine Relations with Saudi Arabia
Montreal, April 24th, 2019 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is deeply appalled by Saudi Arabia’s gruesome execution of 37 Saudi men yesterday – in the largest mass execution since January 2016. In light of these recent executions and Saudi Arabia’s increasing human rights abuses, CJPME calls on the Canadian government to re-examine its relationship with Saudi Arabia.
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CJPME Condemns New Quebec "Secularism" Bill
Montreal, March 28th, 2019 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) strongly condemns the Quebec government's new "secularism" bill – bill 21 – for being discriminatory and unconstitutional. Entitled “An act respecting the laicity of the state,” the bill states that public servants in positions of authority, including judges, prosecutors, police officers, prison guards, court security, peace officers, school principals and elementary and high school teachers, will not be allowed to wear religious symbols while on the job. A secular organization, CJPME opposes the bill as an infringement on the rights of Canadians of Middle East origin, especially Muslim-Canadians. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms prevents the government from passing laws which prevent or inhibit Canadians from practicing their religion.
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CJPME Condemns Trump’s Golan Heights Decree
Montreal, March 22nd, 2019 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) strongly condemns Trump’s tweet yesterday regarding the Golan Heights. In that tweet, Trump signalled his readiness to accept Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, Syrian territory militarily occupied by Israel since 1967. CJPME calls on the Canadian government to join its international allies in unequivocally condemning Trump’s statement - a statement which violates international law and numerous United Nations resolutions, setting a dangerous precedent moving forward.
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CJPME Renews Call for Jan. 29 Designation Following New Zealand Mosque Massacre
Montreal, March 15th, 2019 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is devastated and deeply upset by today’s horrific attack on two New Zealand mosques, where 49 people were senselessly killed and dozens more injured. In the wake of this terrible tragedy, CJPME renews its call for the Canadian government to stand up for Muslims in all communities by designating January 29th as a National Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia.
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Human Rights Orgs: End Canadian Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia
Montreal, March 5th, 2019 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) joined eleven other human rights organizations to send a letter calling the Canadian government to immediately suspend arms sales to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The letter pointed out that three months have passed since the government said it was looking at cancelling sales to the Kingdom, but nothing has happened. In the interim, Saudi Arabia maintains a military campaign in Yemen which commits war crimes and imposes abject suffering.
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CJPME: Survey Reveals Many Jewish Canadians Critical of Israel
Montreal, February 19th, 2019 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) welcomes the results of a national survey co-sponsored by Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) and United Jewish People’s Order (UJPO) on Jewish Canadians opinion toward Israel-Palestine. The survey, conducted by EKOS Research from June to September 2018, reveals that contrary to public opinion, Jewish Canadians have a broad range of opinions on Israel-Palestine. It also reveals that a significant number of Jewish Canadians are critical of the Israeli government and its human rights abuses against Palestinians.
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CJPME Rejects Legault Comments on Islamophobia
Montreal, February 4th, 2019 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) rejects Quebec Premier François Legault’s remarks last week, in which he effectively denied the existence of Islamophobia in Quebec. Last Thursday, in response to questions from reporters about designating January 29th as a national day against Islamophobia, Legault stated: “I don’t think there is Islamophobia in Quebec, so I don’t see why there would be a day devoted to Islamophobia.” CJPME points out that there is no empirical support for Legault’s comments and calls on Legault’s government to take concrete measures to combat the growing problem of Islamophobia in the province.
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