Campaign to encourage United Church to endorse Church's Boycott Report

On May 1, the United Church of Canada’s Working Group on Israel/Palestine Policy issued a report recommending that the church boycott Israeli settlement products. This is an extremely significant step for the boycott initiative in Canada, and must be encouraged. Continue reading


Campaign to support the Palestinian bid for UN membership

The Palestinians are going to the UN to request admission as a member. Whether admitted as an observer state, or as a member state, this move has important implications and must be supported. Continue reading


Campaign to encourage informed voter choices in the May 2 Federal Elections

With federal elections approaching, and in view of counter-productive shifts in Canadian Middle East policy under PM Stephen Harper, CJPME issued a 2011 Elections Guide. The guide provided readers with CJPME’s assessments of the stances of the political parties and individual MPs on Middle East issues, as well as information on “swing” ridings. This information enabled voters—regardless of the circumstances in their particular riding—to support candidates more likely to contribute to peace in the Middle East. Continue reading


Campaign calling on the NDP to dissociate itself from the CPCCA

In early 2010 it became apparent that those controlling the CPCCA were using the spectre of renewed anti-Semitism as a pretext to muzzle Israel’s Canadian critics, especially on university campuses. CJPME then urged its supporters to call upon NDP MPs to withdraw from the CPCCA, as Bloc MPs had. Continue reading