Tell your MP to oppose the anti-BDS Motion in Parliament

Last week, a Conservative-sponsored motion was launched in Canada’s parliament calling for the condemnation of organizations and individuals promoting the “Boycott Israel” (i.e. BDS) movement.  The vote is due to take place Monday, February 22, 2016.  Even if you see this alert after the 22nd, please go ahead and email your MP, as he/she should still hear how you feel on this issue. Continue reading


Email your MP to help Syrian refugees

Many in Canada have been angered by the Canadian government's reluctance to help Syrian refugees, whether via humanitarian aid, or via the acceptance of refugees in Canada.  Canadians should demand that their politicians do more to concretely help Syrian refugees, and to put pressure on ministers to act promptly and compassionately.  Using the form below, please write to your MP, and let him/her know of your demand that more be done for Syrian refugees.  Stephen Harper and other party leaders will also be copied on the email.  


Petition calling on Chris Alexander to resign as Canada’s Minister of Citizenship and Immigration

The tragic picture of 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi, drowned off Turkey as he and his family fled Syria as refugees, should be the final straw!  Please call for the resignation of Chris Alexander as Canada’s Minister of Citizenship and Immigration!   Continue reading


Email your MP in support of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla III

Many in Canada have been angered by Israel’s treatment of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla III craft and crew of volunteers. Canadians should demand that their politicians denounce Israel’s treatment of the Flotilla volunteers, as well as the inhumane blockade of Gaza.  Using the form below, please write to your MP, and let him/her know of your opposition to such action by the government.  Stephen Harper and other party leaders will also be copied on the email.


Campaign to ask Kathleen Wynne to reject invitation from pro-Israel Lobby

Many people in Ontario are alarmed to learn that provincial premier Kathleen Wynne has accepted an invitation to be honoured by the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) on June 22.  While Wynne is indeed worthy of honour for a number of her accomplishments, CIJA’s objectives stand opposed to many things Wynne has worked for in her political career.  Wynne has stood for diversity and fairness, and for respect of Indigenous rights, yet CIJA works to deny the indigenous Palestinian people their human rights and civil rights in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.    


Campaign to oppose criminalization of BDS in Canada

Many in Canada were horrified by the CBC article earlier this month which suggested that Canada’s Harper government may legally prosecute Boycott-Israel activists using “hate crime” laws.  The boycott of Israel has nothing to do with “hate,” and such action would violate Canadians’ fundamental rights of freedom of expression and individual liberty.  Using the form below, please write to your MP, and let him/her know of your opposition to such action by the government.    


Campaign to call for a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza

Starting in July, 2014, for many weeks, Israel bombarded sites in Gaza, resulting in large-scale destruction and around 1500 Palestinian deaths, including many civilians.  Hamas also launched hundreds of rockets into Israel, causing very few casualties, and almost no destruction.  The actions of both parties were in violation of international law.  During the duration of hostilities, CJPME supported the UN call for a ceasefire, and called on MPs of all political stripes to protest Israel’s assault on Gaza, and to push for a ceasefire and resumption of peace talks.     Continue reading


Campaign in support of BDS Motion at McMaster University

As endorsed by more than 20 Hamilton and McMaster organizations, a motion on whether to support the BDS campaign will be put to vote on March 26 at McMaster University. Opponents of BDS have already put pressure on McMaster president Patrick Deane to have him intervene in case the motion is accepted.       Continue reading


Campaign in support of Canadian-Egyptian journalist Mohamed Fahmy

Canadian-Egyptian journalist Mohamed Fahmy has been detained in the notorious Scorpion prison since December 30, 2013. Although his detention has been condemned by Amnesty International, Fahmy may now be facing charges. Please pressure the Egyptian authorities to immediately release Mohamed Fahmy and the other Al Jazeera journalists that are also detained with him.   Continue reading


Campaign on the TTC'S decision to reject CJPME's ads

In April 2013, thanks to the generosity of its many supporters, CJPME raised $35,000 to be able to post its “Disappearing Palestine” ads in two major cities across Canada. Sadly, through various strategies, the transit companies and ad agencies have tried to prevent the ads from being posted. Early in September, CJPME's legal counsel sent a letter demanding that the transit authorities in question respect its constitutional rights to post these ads. On October 21, the transit authorities have however conveyed their decision to reject the ads.     Continue reading