Below are CJPME's most recent Factsheets. See complete list of all of CJPME's Factsheets
Does CJPME unfairly single out Israel for criticism?
CJPME Factsheet 102, published November, 2010: Apologists for Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories and its blockade of Gaza often claim that human rights organizations — including Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) — unfairly single out Israel for criticism. This is false. This factsheet provides an overview of CJPME’s core principles and beliefs, as well as CJPME’ positions vis-à-vis all the actors in the Middle East. Lastly, this factsheet addresses CJPME and other social justice organizations’ legitimate criticism of Israel.
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Report of the UNHRC on Israel’s attack on the Gaza aid flotilla
CJPME Factsheet 100, published October, 2010: This factsheet looks at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) report on the 2010 Israeli attack on the Gaza aid flotilla. This factsheet provides an overview of the members behind the UNHRC fact-finding mission, their methodology, their key findings, the possible follow-up to the mission’s report, as well as Canada’s response to it.
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Canada’s loss of international stature
CJPME Factsheet 105, published November, 2010: This factsheet looks at Canada’s declining international reputation. The Canadian government under Harper has been steadily losing stature due to its positions on a number of issues: from a lack of action on climate change, to reduced international development aid, to the occupation of Afghanistan and abandonment of international peacekeeping. Yet the shift in foreign policy is especially apparent and damaging in regards to the Middle East, particularly on Israeli-Palestinian issues.
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CJPME’s Boycott Campaign on Israel
CJPME Factsheet 96, published September, 2010: This factsheet provides an overview of the two main reasons why CJPME is advocating a boycott of Israel: First, over 170 Palestinian civil society organizations have asked for such a boycott, in order to pressure Israel to stop violating international law and Palestinians’ human rights. Second, many multinational and Israeli companies are violating international law by investing in or profiting from the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory. This factsheet also looks at the focus of CJPME’s targeted boycott campaign, how CJPME adherents can get involved, and why the BDS campaign will be successful.
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The Political basics of Saudi Arabia
CJPME Factsheet 95, published August, 2010: This factsheet provides an overview of the political characteristics of Saudi Arabia, starting by looking at its type of government (a monarchy), how Islamic fundamentalism is manifested in the country, the role Saudi has played in the Israel-Palestine conflict, its attitude towards Iraq and Iran, and its relationship with the United States.
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Water in Israel-Palestine
CJPME Factsheet 89, published July, 2010: This factsheet looks at the water situation in Israel and Palestine. Today, Israeli citizens have unlimited running water year-round while hundreds of thousands of Palestinians suffer from water shortages through the hottest months of summer. Given these shortages drastically affect Palestinians’ health and economic well-being, this factsheet looks at Israeli water policies and practices vis-à-vis Palestinians, the difference in Israeli-Palestinian water consumption, the impact of Israel’s assault on Gaza (2008-2009) had in water infrastructure and sanitation services, and whether water Israeli practices and policies violate international law.
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Iraqi Parliamentary Elections 2010
CJPME Factsheet 85, published July, 2010: This factsheet looks at the 2010 Iraqi parliamentary election, the country’s third since 2005. This election was expected to serve as an indicator of the level of political stability in the country, particularly in light of the expected US troop withdrawal. Observers have pointed out that despite the focus on electoral politics, the run-up to the March 7 elections highlighted deep-seated problems that threaten the fragile recovery of Iraq, in the form of recurring election-related spates of bombings, ethnic tensions over Kirkuk, the re-emergence of sectarianism, and political manipulation of state institutions. In light of these dramatic events, the 2010 election was considered an important opportunity for national reconciliation among the Iraqi people.
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Egypt in a post-Mubarak Environment
CJPME Factsheet 94, published July, 2010: Egypt has one of the most developed and diversified economies of the Middle East, second in the Arab world only to Saudi Arabia. Currently, the country may be standing on the brink of turmoil. Some analysts call it a ticking time bomb that might go off at anytime. This factsheet looks at Egypt’s political landscape, the degree of accountability and civil liberties (or lack thereof), what is at stake for Egypt and for the region in a post-Mubarak environment, and who are the individuals that could end up replacing him.
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Alternatives to a two-state solution: A realist perspective
CJPME Factsheet 93, published July, 2010: Since many factors are making the two-state solution seem increasingly unlikely, this factsheet looks at the possible alternatives or outcomes should peace negotiations fail. John J. Mearsheimer, a renown author and professor of political science at University of Chicago, believes that a two-state solution would be the best outcome for both the Israelis and Palestinians, but fears that time is running out for a viable two-state resolution. Barring a two-state solution, Mearsheimer hypothesizes that there are only three possible alternatives: a democratic, bi-national state, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid.
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Turkish-Israeli relations
CJPME Factsheet 90, published July, 2010: This factsheet looks at Turkish-Israeli relations overtime and what the future might hold for them. Turkey has been Israel’s closest ally in the Muslim world since Israel’s creation. Turkey was among one of the first states to recognize Israel in 1949. But tensions between the two escalated after Israel’s 2008-2009 assault on Gaza during which nearly 1,400 Palestinians were killed. Relations reached a new low in May, 2010, after Israel attacked an aid ship bound for Gaza, killing nine people—eight Turks and a U.S. national of Turkish origin.
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