

Boycott Campaign: Keter Plastic | PDF 

Canada's Sanctions on Illegal Settlers in the OPT | PDF

Boycott Campaign: Hewlett-Packard (HP) | PDF

The Case for Palestinian Statehood | PDF 

Systemic Anti-Palestinian Racism | PDF

Boycott Campaign: Sodastream | PDF

Boycott Campaign: Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories Ltd. | PDF 

Boycott Campaign: Aroma Espresso Bar | PDF

Boycott Campaign: Starbucks | PDF

Boycott Campaign: Aldo | PDF

Boycott Campaign: Sabra | PDF 


Boycott campaign: Indigo Books & Music Inc. (Revised December, 2023) | PDF

Israel's extremist right-wing government | PDF

Palestinians and the Right to Resist | PDF

The Nakba | PDF

Israeli Settler Terrorism | PDF

The Palestinian Authority's Martyrs Fund | PDF


Pillsbury Ends Business in Israeli Settlements | PDF

The Blockade of Gaza | PDF

Israel's System of Apartheid | PDF

ICC Investigation of War Crimes in Palestine | PDF

Anti-Palestinian Racism | PDF

The Forcible Transfer of Masafer Yatta | PDF

The Assassination of Shireen Abu Akleh | PDF


Covid-19 in Palestine and Israel's Medical Apartheid | PDF

Mass evictions in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan | PDF

The Canadian Museum for Human Rights and the Nakba | PDF


The UAE-Israel Normalization Agreement | PDF

Canada's 2020 Bid for a UN Security Council Seat | PDF

The Trump Plan for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | PDF

Anti-Establishment Protests in Iraq | PDF


The Kurds of the Middle East | PDF

Céline Dion: Don't Play in Israel | PDF

2019 Algerian Popular Protests | PDF


Israeli Greenwashing | PDF

Saudi Arabia & Iran: A Regional Rivalry | PDF 

Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman | PDF 

Jerusalem: Following the Trump Decree | PDF

No Way To Treat A Child (NWTTAC) Campaign | PDF

After the mosque attack: Islamophobia in Canada | PDF

Ahed Tamimi & Israel's Abuse on Children | PDF


The Int'l Arms Trade Treaty & Bill C-47 | PDF

Attacks on Canada's Funding of UNRWA | PDF


Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism (August 2016) | PDF

BDS: Disinformation in Ontario's Bill 202 (May, 2016) | PDF

Canada and the Int'l Arms Trade Treaty (April, 2016) | PDF

Ayman Odeh: Rising Palestinian leader (April 2016) | PDF

Canada and the $15B Saudi Arms Deal (April, 2016)  | PDF

BDS: Informing the Parliamentary Debate (February, 2016)  | PDF


BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) (May 2015) | PDF

New Palestinia Political Party in Israel (April, 2015) | PDF

Yemeni Civil War, 2015 (April, 2015) | PDF

Islamophobia in Canada (April, 2015) | PDF 

Bill C-51 and Implications for Canadian Freedoms (March, 2015) | PDF


Gideon Levy: Israeli Journal Activist (October, 2014) | PDF

Canada’s Military Trade with the Middle East (October, 2014) | PDF

The thwarting of Egypt's muslim brotherhood (September, 2014) | PDF

Hamas (September, 2014) | PDF

Hezbollah (September, 2014) | PDF

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) (September, 2014) | PDF

Breakdown Israeli-Palestinian negociations 2014 (June, 2014) PDF

Egypt’s Death Sentences Debacle (June, 2014)PDF



Jewish Immigration to Historical Palestine (November, 2013) | PDF

Egypt: Military Rule Vs. Elected Government (November, 2013) | PDF

Historical Palestine's Demography (November, 2013) | PDF

The Bedouin of Israel and the Begin-Prawer Plan (September, 2013) | PDF

Jaffa Oranges:Pride and Propaganda (July, 2013) | PDF

Gaza’s Fishing Industry (July, 2013) | PDF

The 1947 UN Partition Plan for Palestine(July, 2013) | PDF

Israel and “Pinkwashing”(June, 2013) | PDF

Boycott Campaign – SodaStream international(June, 2013) | PDF

Tawakkol Karman: Yemeni Nobel Peace Prize Winner (April, 2013) | PDF

Syrian Refugee Crisis (March, 2013) | PDF

Discriminatory Legislation under Netanyahu (February, 2013) | PDF

Iranian Nuclear Program (February, 2013) | PDF

Liberal Party: Historic Middle East Policy (February, 2013) | PDF 

Robert Fisk: International Journalist (January, 2013) | PDF 

Miko Peled: Author & Activist (January, 2013) | PDF 


Bahrain: Rebellion and repression (2011-2012) (December, 2012) | PDF

The Situation of African migrants in Israel (September, 2012) | PDF

Illegal Israeli Colonies in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (September, 2012)PDF

Israeli Colonization of East Jerusalem (September, 2012)PDF

Mainstream public opposition to Israeli “settlements”(August, 2012) | PDF

“Settlement” products and companies to boycott (August, 2012) | PDF

Christians in Palestine (July, 2012) | PDF   

Palestinian Prisoners’ Hunger Strike, Spring 2012 (May, 2012) | PDF

Boycott Campaign: Naot Shoes (April, 2012) | PDF

Boycott Campaign: Moroccan Oil (April, 2012) | PDF

Key Events in the Syrian Crisis (April, 2012) | PDF

Syria as a battleground for competing interests (April, 2012) | PDF

A Child's View from Gaza (March, 2012)PDF

The Turkish Model of Government (March, 2012)PDF

Boycott Campaign: Dead Sea Products (March, 2012)PDF

Psychological Impact of War on Children in Gaza (March, 2012) | PDF

Protests in the Muslim world – September 2012 (January, 2012) | PDF


Palestinian Bid for Statehood (November, 2011)PDF

Palestine’s membership in UNESCO (November, 2011)PDF

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine (November, 2011)PDF

Tunisian Elections, 2011 (October, 2011)PDF

The “Occupy Wall Street” Movement (October, 2011)PDF

The Palmer Report on the Gaza Flotilla Incident (September, 2011)PDF

Fatah, Hamas and Palestinian Unity (August, 2011)PDF

Impasse in Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations (August, 2011)PDF

Palestine 1930: The Passfield White Paper (August, 2011)PDF

Wave of Discriminatory and Anti-democratic Laws in Israel (July, 2011)PDF

Palestinian and Israeli Prisoners (July, 2011)PDF

Boycott Campaign: Sears Canada Inc. (July, 2011)PDF

Tariq Ramadan: Professor, Academic, Theologian (July, 2011)PDF

Canada’s Defunding of UNRWA’s Core Programs (June, 2011)PDF

Canadian Boat to Gaza (June, 2011)PDF

Ethical Issues Concerning the Defunding of KAIROS (May, 2011)PDF

Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi (May, 2011)PDF

Libya’s Civil War, 2011 (May, 2011) | PDF

Political unrest in Syria, 2011 (May, 2011)PDF

Boycott Campaign: Canadian Tire (May, 2011) | PDF

The LGBT Community in the Middle East (April, 2011)PDF

Coptic Christians in Egypt (March, 2011)PDF

The Palestine Papers: Overview (February, 2011)PDF

Protests in Yemen, Jan-Feb 2011 (February, 2011)PDF

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood (February, 2011)PDF

Bahrain protests Feb. 2011 (February, 2011)PDF

Access to public service in Israel (February, 2011)PDF

Protests in Jordan, Jan - Feb. 2011 (February, 2011)PDF

Egypt - Protests and Regime Change, Jan.-Feb. 2011 (February, 2011) | PDF

Boycott Campaign: RE/MAX (January, 2011)PDF


Did Israel loosen its illegal blockade of Gaza? (December, 2010) | PDF

International perceptions of Canada’s shift in foreign policy (November, 2010) | PDF

Does CJPME unfairly single out Israel for criticism? (November, 2010)PDF

Canada's loss of international stature (October, 2010) | PDF 

Report of the UNHRC on Israel’s attack on the Gaza aid flotilla (October, 2010)PDF

CJPME’s Boycott Campaign on Israel (September, 2010)PDF

The Political basics of Saudi Arabia (August, 2010)PDF

Egypt in a post-Mubarak Environment  (July, 2010)PDF

Alternatives to a two-state solution: A realist perspective (July, 2010)PDF

Turkish-Israeli relations (July, 2010)PDF

Water in Israel-Palestine (July, 2010)PDF

Iraqi Parliamentary Elections 2010 (July, 2010)PDF

The Blockade of Gaza, 2007-2010 (June, 2010)PDF

The illegality of the Gaza blockade (June, 2010)PDF

The Cultural boycott of Israel (June, 2010)PDF

Boycott Campaign: Golan Heights Wine & Liquor Boards (June, 2010)PDF

Boycott Campaign: Mountain Equipment Co-op (June, 2010)PDF

Boycott campaign: Indigo Books and Music Inc. (June, 2010)PDF

Israel’s attack on the Gaza Aid Flotilla (June, 2010)PDF

The Palestinian National Initiative and Dr. Mustafa Barghouti (May, 2010)PDF

Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech in Canada (April, 2010)PDF

The Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat anti-Semitism (CPCCA) (April, 2010)PDF

Israeli Apartheid Week (March, 2010)PDF

The defunding of KAIROS by the Harper government (February, 2010)PDF

UNRWA, Myths and Facts (January, 2010)PDF

UNRWA, History and Context (January, 2010)PDF

Illegal Use of Weapons by Israeli during Gaza Assault (January, 2010)PDF


The Authority of Human Rights Reports on the Middle East (November, 2009) PDF

Illegal Restrictions on Movement to/from Israel and the OPT (November, 2009)PDF

The Dugard Report (November, 2009)PDF

HRW Report on “White Flag” Deaths in Gaza Assault (November, 2009) | PDF

Amnesty International report on the Israeli operation “Cast Lead” (November, 2009) | PDF

Israeli War Crimes During “Operation Cast Lead” (October, 2009)PDF

Legal Violations withthe ROM’s Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit (May, 2009)PDF

‘Respectable’ Racism in North America (May, 2009)PDF

American Forces in Iraq - the Road Ahead (May, 2009)PDF

The 2009 Israeli Elections and Israel’s Move to the Right (April, 2009)PDF

Egyptian role in the Siege of Gaza (April, 2009)PDF

Omar Khadr: Abandoned by Canada (April, 2009)PDF

The Challenge of Avigdor Lieberman and Yisrael Beiteinu (March, 2009)PDF

Canada and Durban II (i.e. The 2009 Conference against Racism) (March, 2009)PDF

CAF, Jason Kenney, and principles of government funding (March, 2009)PDF

The WMA, the IMA,Dr. Yoram Blachar and torture in Israel (February, 2009)PDF

Humanitarian Crisisin Gaza following Israeli Assault (February, 2009)PDF

Legal violations during Israel's war on Gaza (February, 2009) | PDF

The Sabra and Shatila Massacres, 1982 (February, 2009) | PDF

The Plight of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon (February 2009) | PDF

Israel's War on Gaza (January 2009) | PDF

Israeli Attacks on UN (January 2009) | PDF

Hamas and Peace with Israel (January 2009) | PDF

Qassam Rocket attacks from Gaza (January 2009) | PDF


Challenges to a National Identity in Iraq (November 2008) | PDF

Afghanistan and the Taliban (November 2008) | PDF

Bil'in Village, Canada, and International Law (August 2008) | PDF

The Legal Right to Self-Defence (June 2008) | PDF

Israel's ongoing status as Military Occupant of Gaza (June 2008) | PDF

The "Seam Zone" - Israeli Land Grab (June 2008) | PDF

Canada-Israel "Public Safety" Cooperation (May 2008) PDF

Torture and Detention in Israel (May 2008) | PDF

Israeli "Public Safety" Abuses in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (May 2008) | PDF

Canadians Lessons from Mearsheimer & Walt's "The Israel Lobby" (April 2008) PDF

Canadian Peacekeeper Murdered in Lebanon (February 2008) | PDF

The Annnapolis Negotiations Process (January 2008) PDF


Lack of adherence to resolution 1701 (May 2007) | PDF

The Saudi Peace Plan (May 2007) | PDF

Understanding Lebanese confessionalism (May 2007PDF

Comparison of Palestinian & Jewish refugee narratives (May 2007) | PDF

Emergence of the Jewish refugee question (March 2007) | PDF

Jewish terrorism under the British mandate (March 2007) PDF

The Palestinian refugee situation (February 2007) | PDF

Apartheid in Israel (February 2007) | PDF

Jimmy Carter's book, Palestine: Peace not apartheid (January 2007) | PDF

Resolution 242, interpretation and implications (January 2007) | PDF


The destruction of Lebanon July-August 2006 (October 2006) | PDF

Israeli cluster bomb use in Lebanon July-August 2006 (October 2006) | PDF

The impact of changes to aid on Palestine (April 2006) | PDF

Israeli election results and Middle East Peace (April 2006) PDF

Mutual recognition between Israel and Palestine (April 2006) | PDF

Hamas and the 2006 Palestinian elections (February 2006) | PDF


Canada and the ICJ decision on the wall (December 2005) | PDF

Industrial zones and Israel's colonial strategy (October 2005) PDF

Israeli colonies and Israeli colonial expansion (September 2005) | PDF

The "Right of Return" for Palestinians (April 2005) | PDF


Demographics of historic Palestine prior to 1948 (July 2004) | PDF

Terminology in the Middle East conflict (July 2004) | PDF

A brief history of the Palestinnian-Israeli conflict (June 2004) PDF

House demolitions and structural oppression of Palestinians (April 2004) PDF

Israel "democracy" (March 2004) PDF

The Geneva conventions and occupied Palestine (March 2004) PDF