Below are CJPME's most recent Factsheets. See complete list of all of CJPME's Factsheets

Israeli Apartheid Week

CJPME Factsheet 75, published March, 2010: This factsheet provides an overview of Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW), an annual series of international conferences often hosted on university campuses.  IAW activities often feature lectures, film screenings, cultural activities and demonstrations aimed at raising awareness about Israel’s apartheid-like policies toward Palestinians. Continue reading


The defunding of KAIROS by the Harper government

CJPME Factsheet 74, published February, 2010: This factsheet looks at the controversial move by the Harper government to defund KAIROS, the Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, non-governmental organization (NGO.) KAIROS has strong ties with many mainline Canadian churches and a long and reputable history of assistance and development work – both in Canada and overseas. Continue reading


UNRWA, Myths and Facts

CJPME Factsheet 73, published January, 2010: This factsheet addresses a number of destructive myths relating to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinians in the Near East (UNRWA). This UN Agency, tasked with alleviating the humanitarian needs of Palestinian refugees and their unique political situation, has been the target of attacks and malicious allegations in recent years. Continue reading


UNRWA, History and Context

CJPME Factsheet 72, published January, 2010: This factsheet provides a historical and contextual overview of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinians in the Near East (UNRWA), created to provide humanitarian assistance to the 850,000 Palestinian refugees displaced by war or forcibly expelled from their homes between 1947 and 1949. Today, Palestinian refugees now constitute the world’s largest and most enduring refugee population. Continue reading


Illegal Use of Weapons by Israeli during Gaza Assault

CJPME Factsheet 67, published January, 2010: This factsheet looks at the use of new weapons in illicit ways during the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip codenamed “Cast Lead,” including white phosphorous, drones, flechettes, and tungsten bombs, as well as other lethal weapons.  Continue reading


The Dugard Report

CJPME Factsheet 71, published November, 2009: This factsheet looks at the Independent Fact Finding Committee on Gaza headed by John Dugard of South Africa.  The report was commissioned by the Arab League following Israel’s war on Gaza from December 27th 2008 to 18 January 18th 2009.  Continue reading


The Authority of Human Rights Reports on the Middle East

CJPME Factsheet 68, published November, 2009: This factsheet looks at why human rights reports in the Middle East are highly credible and authoritative.  Analyses performed by neutral third-parties seeking full disclosure become essential in ascertaining the intents, the means, and the outcomes in conflict. Continue reading


Amnesty International report on the Israeli operation “Cast Lead”

CJPME Factsheet 66, published November, 2009: This factsheet provides an overview of a report by human rights organization Amnesty International (AI) entitled Israel/Gaza: Operation ‘Cast Lead’: 22 days of death and destruction. The report accuses the Israeli army of having killed hundreds of unarmed Palestinian civilians, and of having destroyed thousands of homes in Gaza in attacks which seriously infringed on the provisions of international humanitarian law.  Continue reading


HRW Report on “White Flag” Deaths in Gaza Assault

CJPME Factsheet 069, published November, 2009: During Israel's War on Gaza between Dec. 26, 2008, and mid-January, 2009, Israel shot and killed several Palestinian civilians waving white flags as they sought to move to safety during the conflict.  This factsheet summarizes Human Rights Watch's findings and recommendations concerning these incidents. Continue reading


Illegal Restrictions on Movement to/from Israel and the OPT

CJPME Factsheet 70, published November, 2009: This factsheet provides an overview of the new entry restrictions by Israeli Border Control on foreign nationals wishing to travel between Israel, East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza. The implementation of these new entry restrictions in June 2009 is in clear contravention of principles outlined in international law and the 1995 Oslo II Accords. This factsheet also looks at the Canadian Government’s reaction to these visa violations. Continue reading