Below are CJPME's most recent Factsheets. See complete list of all of CJPME's Factsheets

Syria as a Battleground for Competing Interests

CJPME Factsheet 151, published April, 2012: This factsheet talks about the many political and commercial interests that play out in Syria: those in Canada and other Western countries included.  It also talks about the domestic interests and sectarian groups that have a stake in maintaining, or challenging, the status quo. Continue reading


Boycott Campaign: Moroccan Oil

CJPME Factsheet 154, published April, 2012: Moroccan oil is an Israeli beauty products company that has listed products as “Made in Israel” but refuses to disclose the location of its production facilities.  This factsheet lays out the reasons that CJPME recommends a boycott of Moroccan Oil. Continue reading


Key Events in the Syrian Crisis

CJPME Factsheet 150, published April, 2012: This document provides a timeline of events, from February 2011, until April 2012, showing the gradual unravelling of civil stability in Syria, and the onset of civil war.   Continue reading


Boycott Campaign: Naot Shoes

CJPME Factsheet 148, published April, 2012: Naot Shoes is an Israeli company closely linked economically to Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories. This factsheet provides the links, and the legal reasons why boycotting Naot Shoes is the appropriate action to take to pressure Israel economically. Continue reading


Boycott Campaign: Dead Sea Products

CJPME Factsheet 146, published March, 2012: Dead Sea products are Israeli cosmetics made using resources extracted from the Dead Sea, often extracted illegally from Palestinian lands.  These products are also closely linked to the commercial viability of Israel’s colonies (a.k.a. “settlements”), and are targeted as part of the boycott of Israel. Continue reading


A Child's View from Gaza

CJPME Factsheet 144, published March, 2012: This factsheet provide context and background for an exhibition which CJPME tours entitled, “A Child's View from Gaza: An exhibition of children’s drawings from Gaza.”  The inspiration behind the exhibition, as well as the mechanics of the bringing together of the exhbition are described. Continue reading


The Turkish Model of Government

CJPME Factsheet 145, published March, 2012: This factsheet looks at the Turkish government under Recep Erdogan, and the various forms it takes as it draws from both Islamic and Western traditions.  While Turkey’s history is unique, and Erdogan’s party and government have had their troubles and challenges, there is much to consider for other countries in the region. Continue reading


Psychological Impact of War on Children in Gaza

CJPME Factsheet 149, published March, 2012: This factsheet lays out the devastating impact of war on children in Gaza, showing the degree to which Gaza children are exposed to war, and the psychological impact it has on them, both short-term and long-term. Continue reading


The Russell Tribunal on Palestine

CJPME Factsheet 142, published November, 2011: For several years, the Russell Tribunal – named after British philosopher Bertrand Russell – toured several countries to examine Israel’s violations of international law.  This factsheet explores the establishment of the tribunal, and provides an overview of its findings. Continue reading


Palestine’s membership in UNESCO

CJPME Factsheet 141, published November, 2011: Palestine’s admittance into UNESCO was a significant event, with parties both supportive and standing in opposition.  This factsheets lays out the reasons why Palestine sought membership in UNESCO, as well as how the international community, including Canada, responded. Continue reading