Below are CJPME's most recent Factsheets. See complete list of all of CJPME's Factsheets
The Thwarting of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood
CJPME Factsheet 186, published September, 2014: This factsheet provides an overview of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, discussing its emergence and the popular support it enjoys. The factsheet also provides an overview of its historical role in Egyptian society, and its current status.
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CJPME Factsheet 185, published September, 2014: This factsheet provides an overview of Hezbollah: its emergence, its primary goals, and the source for its popular support in Lebanon. It also discusses how Hezbollah operates within Lebanon, and the services it provides. Finally, this factsheet discusses the international disagreement over Hezbollah’s status.
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Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
CJPME Factsheet 184, published September, 2014: This factsheet provides an overview of the so-called “Islamic State in Iraq and Syria” (ISIS): its emergence, its primary goals, and the source for its popular support in Iraq and Syria. It also discusses its manner of funding and expanding its operations.
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CJPME Factsheet 186, published September, 2014: This factsheet provides an overview of Hamas: its emergence, its goals, and the source for its popular support. It also discusses how Hamas operates within Palestinian society, and the services it provides.
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Egypt’s Death Sentences Debacle
CJPME Factsheet 187, published June, 2014: In the months following the 2013 coup in Egypt, the new military-backed government of Al-Sisi begin a campaign of persecution against the Muslim Brotherhood. One of the most upsetting elements of this campaign of persecution involved the sentencing of over 500 individuals to death in ridiculously unfair trials. This factsheet summarizes this upsetting development.
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Breakdown of Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations, 2014
CJPME Factsheet 188, published June, 2014: Despite months of hard work by US Sec. of State John Kerry, negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians slowly broke down through the spring of 2014. This factsheet highlights the many reasons for the breakdown of talks, and the unimpressive response to developments by Canada’s Harper government.
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Jewish Immigration to Historical Palestine
CJPME Factsheet 181, published November, 2013: This factsheet provides an overview of the major phases of Jewish immigration to Palestine, with particular emphasis on the effect of the Zionist movement, the immigration between the two world wars, and the immigration following the founding of the modern state of Israel.
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Egypt: Military Rule vs. Elected Government
CJPME Factsheet 180, published November, 2013: In the summer of 2013, the government of Mohamed Morsi was overthrown by the Egyptian Army. This factsheet looks at the circumstances of the coup d'étât and the events leading up to it.
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Historical Palestine’s Demography
CJPME Factsheet 182, published November, 2013: This factsheet provides a historical overview of the population of indigenous people in Palestine, with a focus from the Ottoman period until 1947.
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The Bedouin of Israel and the Begin-Prawer Plan
CJPME Factsheet 177, published September, 2013: The Begin-Prawer Plan was a plan to forcibly displace Negev Bedouins, ostensibly for the promotion of the region’s economic development. This factsheet examines the origins of Israel’s Bedouins, and the ominous implications of the Begin-Prawer Plan for this population.
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