Below are CJPME's most recent Factsheets. See complete list of all of CJPME's Factsheets
Protests in the Muslim world – September 2012
CJPME Factsheet 162, published January, 2013: This factsheet was published after the release of an amateur Islamophobic video, Innocence of Muslims, in September, 2012 led to violent demonstrations throughout the Muslim world. The factsheet analyzes the movie and the reactions to it, both internationally, and in Canada.
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Miko Peled: Author & Activist
CJPME Factsheet 163, published January, 2013: This factsheet explores the interesting life and writings of Israeli- American activist and author Miko Peled. The factsheet introduces Peled as the son and grandson of prominent Israelis, and describes his current opposition to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.
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Bahrain: Rebellion and repression (2011-2012)
CJPME Factsheet 161, published December, 2012: Following the show of unity between thousands of Sunni and Shia in Bahrain in February, 2011, the Bahraini government began a crackdown on dissidents. This factsheet reviews the facts of this oppressive crackdown since that time, and Canada’s responsibility to address the repression.
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Illegal Israeli Colonies in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
CJPME Factsheet 76, published September, 2012: This factsheet looks at the Israel’s colonies, often referred to as “settlements,” in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Colonies have long been one of the major obstacles to peace between Israel and the Palestinians, since successive Israeli governments have permitted the Jewish Israeli colonists to expropriate land and to create “facts on the ground” that would make the creation of a Palestinian state increasingly difficult.
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The Situation of African migrants in Israel
CJPME Factsheet 159, published September, 2012: By mid-2012, about 60,000 African migrants had emigrated to Israel over the previous five years. This factsheet looks at the Israeli government and society’s view of these migrants, and whether or not the handling of these migrants had respected international law.
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Israeli Colonization of East Jerusalem
CJPME Factsheet 78, published September, 2012: This factsheet looks at the status and significance of East Jerusalem. After the June 1967 war, Israel announced its intention to annex the 6.5 square kilometers of East Jerusalem, which was to be the capital of a future Palestinian state. To this day, the international community refuses to recognize Israel’s policy of annexation and colonization in East Jerusalem, which are not only illegal under international law, but also detrimental to negotiations.
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“Settlement” products and companies to boycott
CJPME Factsheet 157, published August, 2012: This factsheet discusses the way in which Israeli Jewish-only colonies (a.k.a. “settlements”) impede progress toward peace between Israelis and Palestinians. The factsheet then outlines why and how “settlement” industries can be boycotted in Canada.
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Mainstream public opposition to Israeli “settlements”
CJPME Factsheet 158, published August, 2012: This factsheet looks at the growing international opposition to Israeli colonies (a.k.a. “settlements”), and how such opposition manifests itself in Western society. This factsheet puts a focus on Western perceptions, and Canadian and US popular opposition to Israeli colonies.
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Christians in Palestine
CJPME Factsheet 156, published July, 2012: Christians have been present in Palestine-Israel since the founding of the religion. Nevertheless their numbers are dwindling for a number of reasons, most notably the systemic discrimination against them by Israel.
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Palestinian Prisoners’ Hunger Strike, Spring 2012
CJPME Factsheet 155, published May, 2012: In 2012, close to 2,000 Palestinian prisoners partook in an open-ended hunger strike in order to challenge their arbitrary administrative detention as well as the humiliating treatment and conditions to which they were subject to. Approximately 40 percent of Palestinian men in the occupied Palestinian territories have been jailed by Israeli authorities at least once in their lives. Palestinian prisoners are subject to detention without charge or trial, solitary confinement and isolation, prolonged denial of family visits, denial of medical treatment, as well as various forms of humiliation. Compounded by the fact that many of the prisoners are children, such arbitrary detention and inhumane treatment is an issue that resonates deeply with Palestinians.
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