Below are CJPME's most recent Factsheets. See complete list of all of CJPME's Factsheets
Jaffa Oranges: Pride and Propaganda
CJPME Factsheet 176, published July, 2013: While many think of the Jaffa orange as being an Israeli product, the Jaffa orange was a prized output of Palestinian farmers for generations before the state of Israel was founded. This factsheet examines the history of the Jaffa orange, and the symbolic role it plays today.
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The 1947 UN Partition Plan for Palestine
CJPME Factsheet 173, published July, 2013: Given the violent and tumultuous events following the implementation of the UN’s 1947 Partition Plan, there is quite a bit of confusion as to the true nature of the Plan. This factsheet looks at the motivation for the Plan, the intents of the Plan, and the response to the Plan of various actors.
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Gaza’s Fishing Industry
CJPME Factsheet 174, published July, 2013: This factsheet examines the importance of fishing to the economy and well-being of Gaza. After a brief overview of the history of fishing in Gaza, this factsheet looks at the wide-reaching impact of Israel’s blockade on the fishing and people of Gaza.
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Israel and “Pinkwashing”
CJPME Factsheet 171, published June, 2013: This factsheet addresses the phenomenon of Israeli “pinkwashing”: the promotion of Israel’s gay-friendly culture as a cover for human rights violations against Palestinians. The factsheet takes a closer look at true Israeli attitudes towards the LGBT community, and the different forms that pinkwashing takes.
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Tawakkol Karman: Yemeni Nobel Peace Prize Winner
CJPME Factsheet 170, published April, 2013: Tawakkol Karman is a Yemeni political activist who, along with two female Liberian peace activists, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011. This factsheet looks at her life leading up to, and following the awarding of the peace prize.
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Syrian Refugee Crisis
CJPME Factsheet 166, published March, 2013: After two years of civil war, the Syria refugee problem has become huge. This factsheet provides the background context to the crisis, describes the overall numbers after two years, and identifies countries hosting the greatest numbers of refugees. Finally, Canada’s parsimonious aid thus far is examined.
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Liberal Party: Historic Middle East Policy
CJPME Factsheet 164, published February, 2013: This factsheet provides a historical perspective on how Canada’s federal Liberal Party has reacted to key developments in the Middle East since the Second World War. There is an emphasis on Liberal policy on Palestine-Israel, but the party’s reaction to other key events is also summarized.
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Discriminatory Legislation under Netanyahu
CJPME Factsheet 169, published February, 2013: Following the re-election of Israel’s Likud government, with Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister, a series of discriminatory bills were expected to be pursued in Israel. This factsheet summarizes the most prominent and discriminatory of these laws and bills.
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Iranian Nuclear Program
CJPME Factsheet 165, published February, 2013: For years, Israel and the West have fretted about how to contain Iran’s potential nuclear ambitions. This factsheet summarizes the threats – real and imagined – of Iran’s nuclear programs, and whether Israel’s and Canada’s worries are justified. It also explores the legality of the Israel’s threat to pre-emptively destroy Iran’s nuclear installations.
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Miko Peled: Author & Activist
CJPME Factsheet 163, published January, 2013: This factsheet explores the interesting life and writings of Israeli- American activist and author Miko Peled. The factsheet introduces Peled as the son and grandson of prominent Israelis, and describes his current opposition to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.
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